
While new orleans are mandatory ecAvUAtion going while people may stay who do you blame if any1 dies?

by  |  earlier

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when they had a free ride to get out




  1. they will blame Bush anyway

  2. Get out to where?  From what I understand, in some cases they're not even being told where they're going of if there will be a free shelter / necessary health care, etc. waiting at the other end.

    However I freely admit that information is based on heresay and I reserve the right to be wrong.

  3. they want to loot the town.

  4. Since there is no designated refuge site NOW, like there was before, people who refuse to leave have not been given any option to stay.

    But I still blame the sit-on-their-hands Republicans for not helping the people who stayed before, as the FEMA disaster plan said they could.

  5. If the Katrina victims were all white,would Liberals still be complaining today about the incident. When a F5  tornado destroyed the entire city of Greensburg, killing several and even till today people have not recovered.

    Hmm I guess that doesnt count in the liberals eyes since the community was mostly white.

  6. Their own tired, dumb-asss.

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