
While pulling out from the parking lot, if a moving car passing by stops very close right behind you suddenly?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of days back when I was trying to pull the car out from my apartment's parking lot, a car passing by me suddenly stopped right behind me in the middle of the road where they are not supposed to stop.Initially I looked back and around for the moving cars before pulling out, she was coming from my right side and after a couple of seconds thinking the car must have passed by. I looked around and tried to pull out and after moving not even 3 feet back, my car's rear bumber has hit her car's passenger side rear door. She stopped so close to me right at the steep turn. She completely stopped not moving and there is no car or any obstacle for her to stop. I didn't expect her to come and stop right behind me suddenly while passing.

My car was onto the left end of the parking lot after which a steep curve starts. She said that she was trying to park in the lot when there was no space free except the 3rd one onto my right side, she looked like trying to park reverse into the lot. and it is a straight parking(head-in parking) lot. I've never seen any one parking in reverse direction in that lot. Had she wanted to park, she could have pulled in straight while coming from the other direction itself. I do not know why she did that, especially after this incident finally she didn't park in the lot at all. She just moved on, as if she never intended to park in the lot.

Will this be counted as completely my mistake during the auto insurance claim, as I was the one trying to pull out from the parking lot?




  1. your fault

    sory but it is obveous

  2. it seems this basically boils down to "am i going to be at fault".  Simple answer, did the cops give you a citation.  If so, it will have on it if you are solely at fault or not.

  3. You hit her vehicle and admit that she had the right of way and also that you saw the vehicle.  What do you think?  People do not have to have a reason and announce to others why they slow down or have a reason to do anything as long as they are obeying the traffic lights,  pavement markings and other rules of the road....  where do you get off about thinking it's ok to back into someone because afterwards they didn't park somewhere,  how the h**l do you signal a parking space?  answer your own question and btw, I always park in reverse, it's quicker, easier to judge and easier to get out of without having to turn your head around and risk any safety.  Also, why can't anyone stop in the middle of the road?  There is no law against, that, there could be a child,  car problems, any hazard that you are not aware of,  worry about yourself and not what you "think" someone else is doing in their vehicle.

  4. YOU ARE 100% AT FAULT BUD. YOU HIT HER. it does not matter why she stopped, if you were looking you would not have hit her and you would not be in this situation. now you insurance premium will be going up. YOU WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION.

  5. Yes, because anytime that you are in reverse, it is your responsibility to maintain complete control of your vehicle and at the same time keep looking behind you.

  6. I can't tell you why she suddenly stopped so close to you but it's not going to look good for you when you tell your version of the story to the insurance company as they go by technicality.  Technically, you are supposed to look out for and yield to oncoming vehicles and only pull out when the way is clear.

    You can try to explain exactly what happened and depending on what state you live in, they may assign some degree of fault to her for stopping suddenly in the middle of the road, assuming you live in a comparative fault state.

  7. Usually it is the responsibility of the driver backing up to make sure that there is no one behind before moving in reverse...A parking lot is not a public road and therefore the standard rules of the road would not apply - meaning that you probably would not be cited...You might have a case if you can prove that the other driver was trying to park against the normal flow of traffic...Check the driving manual for the jurisdiction (state) where you live.

    Good luck

  8. Say who's whaaa ?

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