
While reading the quran, is it haram to chew gum?

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my mom was reading the quran and she was chewing gum.. i just want to know if it is wrong.. thank you




  1. WTH is up with these answers? this place is starting to disgust me.

    you can't get an answer from here, u have to ask a sheik or a alim.

    try some online places like islam-online or somewhere like that.


  2. it's not Haram, but better to involve the mouth in reading the holy Qur'an sport rather than chewing a gum.

  3. What Lost.Creed - OIC said!!

  4. when u read QURAN u must concentrate on it

    tell ur mum she is wrong

  5. lol ofcourse it is. Tell ur mom to not. I thought ur small bro or sis was...but it's mom lol....tell her not to. Your mouth has to be pure and fresh just like your body after the wudu...otherwise there is no point of doing wudu when u chew a gum u know what i mean

  6. Sis, dont listen to some of these pigs insulting your mother, it may be bad bcuz of what some say as far as harship in pronouncing the words, but these swines have no right to say that to your Mom, I am sure your Mom is like a angel, bcuz pigs would also and still do bad mouth the Prophet of Allah (SAW), so your Mom is in good company, hahahahahaha.

    Even if it is bad, (which u should ask a imam or mullah for sure), we are all human and these pigs have no right to say what they said, Prophet Yusuf (A.S) (whom I resemble, hahahaha) once asked of help from other then God and he was thus imprisoned by Allahs (Ta'ala) will, yet when asked who the most honorable man was, he (SAW), the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said that it is Prophet Yusuf (A.S.).

    I know that I went away from the point, but these FILTHY creatures angered me talking badly about your Mom, do they not have Moms and Sisters?

  7. Not at all! :o)

    FYI: You cannot forbid something that Holy Quran has not forbidden or the Prophet (pbuh) has not forbidden.

    Salaam Sister!

  8. How can you read Quran while chewing gum?. Quran must be read with right Tajweed. If you mean the Quran translation, I think it is disrespect to chew gum while reading it.

  9. i guess it's not haram but makruh..

    tell your mom that she is wrong..

    oh yeah.. my surname is Naz too :)

  10. well, first it is more polite to read qur'an with empty mouth, i mean with no gum!!

    2nd if read the Qur'an while chewing gum, you won't be able to pronounce it with correct tajweed!! and yes it is harram if some one mispronounce the words of Qur'an!!

  11. OF course it's haram..It's disrespectful, why do you think they dun letchu chew gum in classes? That and while praying your mouth should be empty. :-)

  12. would you chew gum while talkin to the president of your country?

    obviously ,u wouldnt ..  

    keep in mind Allah deserves more respect than any president or  hot shot.. and chewing gum shows disrespect .

    like the first person said - you cant say haram for anything and everything that doesnt seem right .

    haram is a real serious word . when one does haram ,he/she is punished for it ..(unlike "makrooh" .makrooh= disliked but not punished)

    even scholars dread to give fatwas if somethins haram or not ..

    this word shouldnt be taken so lightly ..

    you should have framed your question like this - is it "wrong "to chew gum while readin...

  13. I wouldn't recommend it, and as many answers above have said - it is not haram.  

    But imagine if it fell out of her mouth and onto the Qu'ran while she was reading it?

  14. How can you tolerate such person.

    I can imagine what kind of influence she has her children.

    She must be reading the Quran in English language.

  15. Not haraam but disrespectful.

  16. ASA.

    Well, in truth, she shouldn't. If she is really reading the Quran properly, she wouldn't be able to chew gums. It seems rather difficult to pronounce the words and concentrate that way.

    And anyway, it shows disrespect. As if the person is not taking it earnestly.

    I suggest u go up to her after a while and ask her if it's OK to read the Quran while chewing or eating something? (but don't say that she did it). I'm sure that she will respond in the negative. Hopefully, she might remember her own words the next time, and refrain from chewing gum like this.

  17. yes it is cuz when u read the quran u need to be repectful to it not chewing gum lol

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