
While taking hormone pills when can i expect to start noticeably grow b***s?

by  |  earlier

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also is 18 to "old" to become a transexual woman? i mean i don't want to look like a man with woman's clothes

and thanks Diane for answering yet another question for me do you mind though sending me your answer to my e-mail address? mainly cause i have more personal questions to ask you thanks!




  1. At 18 you are young enough that the effects of testosterone on your body will not be as significant as when you are older.  Also, estrogen often has more significant effects.  

    Translation, by starting on hormones early in life you can expect to get better results than if you started in your 30's or later.  Also, some of the risks of hormone therapy are lower in a young person than in an older person.

  2. Just like any girl going through puberty, it varies.

    In general, you should start to feel some changes within a few weeks, but there may be no visible growth for a month or two.

    If you think 18 is too old, remember that most transwomen don't transition until they're in their thirties or forties; and a good friend of mine has  just completed transition at the age of 67...;)

    You can email me through my profile, if you wish.

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