
While taking prenatals

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ok so my hubby and I are going to start TTC in Oct when we get back from taking my nephew to Disneyland anyways I'm already starting to track my temperature every morning and I already lost 6lbs. need to lose another 14lbs just for me (I'm not obese or anything but my dr. said it would be easier if i dropped about 20lbs) anyways so I've been taking hoodia to help burn off extra fat and it's been working for me but my question is can I be taking prenatals and hoodia at the same time? I know you're supose to start taking prenatals around the time you start trying but I'm not sure if I can take both at the same time. I know once I get preg I have to stop the hoodia pills I already called my dr.'s office and the nurse said she didn't know I would have to make an appointment to ask the dr, but I think it's kind of pointless to make an appointment ($35 co-pay) just for a question. so just wondering if anyone knew on here.




  1. Yes take the prenatals, you are suppose to really take a good vitamin whenever you are dieting especially using such thinks as Hoodia as all of those kinds of things can cause a lot of stress to your heart.  

  2. You have to make an appointment to ask your doctor a question?  I would start thinking about changing doctors, because that's ridiculous.  Once you're pregnant, you will have a million questions, and you should be able to just call and get an answer over the phone.

    ANYWAY, hoodia isn't proven to be a safe thing to take, so I wouldn't risk taking it.  What if you get pregnant earlier than you planned and you're taking hoodia at the time?  Just try to lose weight the old fashioned way, with diet and exercise.

    Good luck!

  3. They say to start taking the very least folic acid 3 months before TTC, so start taking your prenatal now if you plan to start TTC in Oct.  Also, get rid of the hoodia...if your not obese, you don't need the extra help.  Just do it the old fashioned way and take you prenatals.
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