
While taking the pill....?

by Guest61503  |  earlier

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What are the chances of getting pregnant while taking the pill?




  1. The pill is supposed to be 99% effective IF taken correctly.

    There are many stories of people who got pregnant on the pill. That is probably because they weren't taking the medication correctly.

    There is always that 1% tho too! If you are really worried use a condom too.  

  2. it's something like less than 5%, dunno.

    I've been on the pill for 8 years and... no baby yee-haw!

  3. 99.9% chance you won't get pregnant. Just make sure you tell the dr you are on the pill before he/she gives you new meds because some meds will weaken the pill.  

  4. Both are 99% effective, which means that 1 in 100 will more than likely get pregnant. It's actually more effective then condoms.

    Depending on which pill you go on they will give you different side effects, like your periods, weight gain, s*x drive.

    Most women go on the combines pill, and they are good.

    The coil is very painful to have put in, but once its in you don't have to worry about it. It depends on your screamishness really!!

    Am jus going through a change in contraception as hormones dont bode well with me lol

  5. that depends on the pill in question. most are around 97% effective.

  6. Depends on which pill you are taking.

    The mini pill is about 95% effective.  The regular pill is 99% effective.  

  7. slim to none

  8. i know a few people who have gotten prego on the pill, it's not full proof and needs to be taken correctly to work  

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