
While the RNC is having a Hurricane Gustav fund raiser, should Barack be out campaigning?

by  |  earlier

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If it were reverse, how much whining would the dems. be doing right now?




  1. He does what he will to get ahead and I believe he is up to no good. It's about him, him, him etc.  He hasn't done any thing great so why expect any thing but less from him or just any thing..

  2. you know he has to do something with a 5 point bounce.even kerry had a 15 point lead at this point.obama lost. but they would be slamming mccain.

  3. if they let some of your family die and it were to start happening again and they decided to hold a fundraiser to help those that went back to live where so many died before how would you feel?

  4. he already contacted people via e-mail about contributing to the red cross & the other details about how to help out. so you don't even know what you are talking about. He is always way ahead of McCain he just doesn't run his mouth about it. he has all kinds of things going on. You keep talking about him as if he is this terrible person which shows how you have no clue about him. You are the one missing out.

  5. Was nice to see a Republican Governor at the helm this time

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