
While traveling in Europe, what is better to use Visa credit/debit card or Traveler's check?

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  1. best to keep your options open. cash,pounds and euros. cheques not the euro ones they are a rip off, and plastic for emergencies. if you are changing money in the u.k. try one of those cheque cashing shops which are popping up. they might be a rip off with cheques but they have a good £ to Euro rate, moch better than travel agents.

  2. Debit cards are the best by far.  It is sometimes very difficult to even find a place that will exchange American Express travelers checks.  When you do, they charge you a higher rate/fee.  ATMs are on every corner, you receive the local currency, and you don't get hit with Visa's credit card charge for exchange conversion.  I have found the ATMs to be user friendly all over Europe.  Have fun!

  3. Debit and credit cards. Forget the travellers cheques. You get charged to buy them and change them and they are easy to lose. If you have a debit and a credit card at least you have 2 options.

  4. It's good to have a few traveller's checks just in case, but it's much easier to use your debit card and withdraw cash from ATMs.  They're all over now, you don't need to go into a bank and wait in a long line to exchange cash, and you don't have to pay a fee for exchanging.  It's definitely the way to go!

  5. Debit card It will do the conversion rate for you.

  6. Many places take credit/debit cards, but its a good idea to have travellers checks handy.  Exchange them at a bank for local money so you dont have to pay big conversion fees.

  7. You will be charged a hefty fee now for using Travelers Checks even if they are AmEx.  I found it much better to use Credit Cards and when I wanted cash just go to an ATM at the bank.  This actually ended up being the least costly method.

  8. debit

  9. I have been to Europe about a dozen times and I no longer even bother with travelers checks. American Express ones are harder to cash than the Visa ones but I just use debit cards now. I have accounts at three banks so I use Bank A's card for hotel (since they often put a hold for a higher amount--to cover phone, bar bill, etc). Bank B is for everything else and C is in case I lose B. I have it set up so I can easily transfer money between them. Anal, yes, but works for me. If you are a member of AAA you should call them and ask what they offer. Some offices have special travel debit Visas, others have actual currency.

  10. CASH!!!! sweetie is always best, because if you use all this credit sh*it its just gonna be complicating afterwards for you...Europe charges overboard for "overcharge"!

  11. I'm with the others, Debit Card!  Most likely you'll get a better conversion rate.  I'd still take a little cash, and maybe a little bit in Travellers Checks for emergencies.  Ya never know.  But the bulk of 'fun money', debit.

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