
While writing my Mac computer shut down?

by  |  earlier

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Very soon, I am going to switch from PC to Mac and was wondering what would happen to my document if the computer happened to shut down all of a sudden for no reason while I was in the middle of writing.

Would I lose all my work? Do mac computers save your work as you go or do you have to buy software for that?

Thanks :)




  1. if you are using a program like microsoft word for the mac, then that program will autosave and autorecover your document just like a PC would.

  2. Sounds like windows, but I dont know.

  3. Depending on the program you might be able to set your word processor to save your work, say every 5 minutes or so. Which you should be doing regularly on your own anyway.

    For example, I know that with PCs and using Microsoft Word you can set it to auto-backup your work as you go. It's kind of annoying cause it makes two files but at least you don't lose everything.

    Best bet is just to make sure you know the keyboard shortcut to save your work, on the Mac probably just apple + S. Use it often as you're working just in case of a crash.

  4. Hi, alright first of all your Mac will never shtudown all of a

    If u use Microsoft Office on your Mac then it will auto recover. If the other programs u use have an auto recover feature then iit should auto tecover, this depends completely on the applications.

    Good Luck and take care and congratulations on your mac :)

  5. if your talking about writing something in word etc, then that is program specific, and they save like every 5 minutes or something like that.  But with a mac you dont really have to worry about that. my mac has never crashed.  ive had one for 2+ years

  6. Depends what word processor you are using. Microsoft Office takes care of this stuff, and if you accidentally shut down your computer or it does it on its own, it will tell you next time when you start the program that there was an unexpected shut down or something and that Microsoft Word managed to save some of your document.

    I don't think it is OS dependent.

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