
Whilst "human" factors are involved in betting should we have confidence on the form.?

by Guest65913  |  earlier

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Appraise any betting form for dogs, horses, or teams playing and there is always a nagging doubt concerning fixing or manupulation of the results.

The betting public raise $$$$$$$$ each week in the belief that they have a fair or calculated odds of "winning" in the short term at least.

If that isn't the case, should they just stop altogether and leave the betting industry stranded until any corruption is policed out of the sport...currently rip off.




  1. Yes...hang betting high and dry.

    more animals will die due to greed and owners malaise + greed.

    stop it!

  2. You can rely on form but you must look at it over a period of years and not just the last few runs. I was a professional gambler for over a year and I learnt that the hard way even though I did well for myself. The human side is trainers are sneaky. They will set their horses for certain races and use other races as build up races to get their horse fit.  Also trainers will know how to get their horse to win one race even if their form is poor. You must find their secret. Perhaps it is running a horse over a distance that doesn't suit for 5 runs in  a row and then bringing it back to it's favourite track and distance. Sometimes it is running the horse back in the field and then they will suddenly lead or be handy and it will run a much improved race. I could go on but you get the idea. I personally think this is a farce and if your not there to win the race, you should not be allowed to enter it. It is called a race for a reason, not a barrier trial. If you want to win, you have to be in the game for years and really study all aspects of it. I can pick a winner although now I only have 10 bets a year. (approx, not set in stone) I got a 16/1 shot the other day, that was cool.

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