
Whiney, passive, cry baby Cancerians....???? <(0_0)>?

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so, there are two questions id like to ask. one for people who ARENT cancers..and one for ppl who ARE cancers.

for the ppl who are cancers: do you fit the stereotype of being whiney and passive?? and what do you think of this?

for the ppl who AREN'T cancers: have u seen some cancers fit this stereotype???

yes, i am asking a couple of Qs about stereotypes because i want to get into all of ur heads and see what you're really thinking.*u decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing...*

thanks in advance.

cancer sun

aries rising




  1. I don&#039;t personally know of any Cancer sun signs who fit a stereotype. People who stereotype tend to not look very deep into the layers of what makes a person the individual he or she is.

  2. boo hoo I would like to wine and complain that I am a cancer.  I am just kidding.  However, I am a cancer and I do think I&#039;m a bit or a lot passive.  I am also kind of whiny, but not out loud only in my head.  If you really like to know about horoscopes I have this wonderful book that I had to dish out the dough for, but I LOVE it.  It&#039;s called The Secret Language of Birthdays.  It is awesome.  It breaks down peoples personalities by the day not just the sign of your birthday.  But back to your question.  I think us cancers are just super sensitive not just whiny.  We are also passive.  We want people to like us so are not necessarily whiny on the surface, but to ourselves.  

  3. I only know a few cancers and unfortunately, they fit the description to a tee. My sis is always whining about something, and she has a leo moon and rising, so she&#039;s even more dramatic than the normal cancer.

    and yea, they are pretty passive, alot of them are followers, which is lame, but cancers and pisces are the only signs I let get away with it because their emotions make them cute. baby like.

    I heard a little birdy that said when cancers whine, that&#039;s their secret code for &quot;FEED ME, I NEED SOME  LOVE&quot;

    is that why they whine because they&#039;re feeling insecure?

  4. im not really passive(at least i dont show that part of me) but im really whiney about the little things and i talk alot to annoy ppl on purpose(its fun)

  5. I&#039;ve been cool with Cancers my whole life until I met who fit every Cancer stereotype.  She was a boss at a former job and she was disgusting.  She used to whine over everything, she would complain when she had work to do, and, God forbid things weren&#039;t going well for her, we all had to suffer.  I find that, when Cancers are in power, they tend to flounder and take their frustrations out on everyone.  

    Maybe that&#039;s why they&#039;re my opposite.  They&#039;re needy, Capricorns aren&#039;t.  They tend to be over-emotional, Capricorns are known for repressing their emotions (neither is a good option).  I can&#039;t deal with the way they play the victim all the time.

  6. I am not passive, if I truly care about something. If I don&#039;t really care then yes, I am passive. I am not completely whiny either... I think I can complain a lot though, but not real whiny.

  7. Interesting question.

    I have found myself wondering the same thing regarding my fellow waterlings, especially of the females cos I do somewat agree with sparrowbird.

    Cos even I was confused by the behavior so it got me thinking, cos no offense but some ppl who whine, complain ans are needy seriously irritates me and noticed that some Cancer women/girls do this and these types are alil pityful and then I noticed that not all Cancers were not like this, that they were the actual opposite, more respectable ones. But don&#039;t get me wrong, all signs are capable of being like this, including my own, but I noticed that some Cancer females fit the negative description and will deny it and get &#039;blue&#039; over it.

    I have noticed the they are two types of Cancerians, 1; strong, silent, respectable hardworkin and excellent homemaker/provider who is fun-loving, warm and kind. &lt;-- POSITIVE and 2; Whiney,clingy, cry me a river who love pity and need constant re-assurance and I found this ironic but also noticed they can&#039;t see it and will deny it and are stubborn as h**l about it. &lt;-- NEGATIVE.

    So I think it would have to do, imho, the persons (sun) personality of which side of which they let or choose to speak for them (positive or negative,) and this probably depends too on how they were brought up, sorry. Cos I noticed that those who were well loved tend to be more secure, self-reliant, strong (mentally) and fit no.1 description but those who &quot;needs&quot; were somewat neglected or not fully &#039;fulfilled&#039; and these ones I noticed seem to never have enough of anything, you know - which I think would fit no.2,

    ** And also ofcourse other aspects in ones chart would clearly influence this but it&#039;s just what I observed from human interaction and from reading.

    Another theory could be is since they are super sensitive, being a water sign like myself that bc they pick can up on emotions being really sensitive that they feel over-whelmed by all these emotions that they don&#039;t know how to channel them properly and so become frusterated by it all.

    (Does any of this make any sense? lol.)

    One trick is try to block them (other emotions) or just &#039;sail thro them&#039; or leave &#039;the enviroment&#039; if I feel I can&#039;t escape and I need to get away I just take a walk or go somewhere until it quiets or settles down abit. hehe. Cos being a Water sign also, I am quite sensitive myself so sometimes just being in a noisy, hectic, busy &#039;enviroment&#039; can make my head spin or give me a headache.

    And I don&#039;t mean to stereotype or insult any Cancers out there but it&#039;s just what I noticed on here from what I read and see from experience from other Cancers around me.

  8. i am a cancerian we DO NOT fit into this stereotype .my




  9. I&#039;m gonna be honest - every cancer I&#039;ve met (I&#039;d say about 3 in my life, all female) have been the biggest pity-party throwers that I have ever met.

    Obviously, I don&#039;t think all cancers are like that, just like any stereotype does not fit any sign for certain. But the ones I&#039;ve met were outstandingly whiny. I found them to be highly aggravating because they really didn&#039;t even want advice, they just wanted their listeners to pity them. Their attitudes led me to conclude that they adored being the victim - particularly of their coincidentally shockingly evil parents.

    That&#039;s my experience, and I think that developing these traits is one of the more negative routes a cancer sun can take (all signs and individuals have their unsavoury potentials).


    Edit: The bluntness might be my sagittarius rising kicking in there. Good on you for taking what I said positively, though.

  10. My Grandmas a Cancer with Pisces moon, you&#039;d think she&#039;d be a cry baby but she&#039;s like stone hard. It&#039;s probably cause she&#039;s old but all my friends that were Cancers were the most helpful understanding of all and they did happen to be whiny and passive, however it was all good with me because I&#039;m kind of whiny as well lol.

    Libra Sun

    Aries Moon

    Libra Rising.

    Edit-Wtf I meant &quot;are&quot; not &quot;were&quot; because they still are of course.

  11. -arent a cancer....and NO I havent seen my cancer mom fit the stereotype...I mean arent they suppose to be loving,caring home makers? Well my moms far from offence ma)..she isn&#039;t all that emotional..i&#039;m actually 10x more then she is..

  12. i have a friend who is like that, whiney, passive as h**l , like nothing matters, except for a meaningless relationship, can be by herself, has to have someone, or doesnt feel complete, she lets people validate who she is, and that S**t annoys the h**l out of me, its like she needs people to speak for her, and doesnt worry about things that she needs to worry about, money, paying bills, possesions, but hey, what do i know im a single,  hard working, goal oriented ambitious leo who likes to party and have lots of money, and hates relationships

  13. I think Cancers are sensitive just like any water sign. But, they certainly aren&#039;t passive! They&#039;re quietly ambitious. They are a cardinal sign, which means initiative. Once you have pissed one off, it is certainly hard to get them to come out of that shell again. But, they generally are very sweet and caring.  

  14. Ok, I&#039;m a gemini, and what&#039;s interesting is every single cancer I met has been the COMPLETE opposite of this stereotype of passive or cry-babies. every single one was outgoing, aggressive, and almost everyone they knew loved them. ALTHOUGH, they all were really sensitive, but the way they showed it was not to be a p*ssy or whine or anything like that, they are inclined to physically fight if their feelings were hurt or try to hurt your feelings back. so basicly to strike back, and hide it behind a confident exterior, rather then show their sadness or sensitivity. Of course, these are just the ones I know, and they could have possibly had a fire or air rising sign, or other yang planets that made them like this, or it could just be their unique defense mechanisms.

  15. No, I have not seen any Cancers that fit this stereotype....Well except for my mom...she is quite sensitive and does cry a lot, but she&#039;s not to be messed with. She&#039;ll kick your a** if you don&#039;t respect her.

    Other than that, the Cancers I know are strong. They keep that shell up, and they do not let others get to them easily...Even if they are sensitive, it&#039;s not obvious. I was in love with a Cancer and he was one of the most emotionally aloof people I&#039;ve met. He had an Aquarius Moon, but that just shows that the Sun sign is only one sign. Many of my Cancer friends stick up for what they believe in, and do not back down. I have a Cancer friend that is very calm, down to earth, and not easily insulted. She just lets things slide off, and always keeps an optimistic attitude. Another Cancer girl I know is a complete fighter. She will go to the end of the earth to prove a point, and does not back down. If somebody crosses her, she does not cry, she makes them show her respect.

    So I know a bunch of Cancers, and they all have different characteristics....I can agree that they are all caring, loyal, and intuitive, and maybe even sensitive, but they are definitely a far cry from being &quot;whiny cry babies&quot;, and they sure as heck ain&#039;t passive, haha.

    I&#039;m proud to have a Cancer Moon.....I feel that it&#039;s a strong Moon, and though it likes to nurture and can be sensitive, it&#039;s also a Moon that stands up for those that it loves, and as the mothering sign that Cancer is, get near it&#039;s nest, and it will make you wish you were never born.

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

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