
Whinging whining 5 year old......

by  |  earlier

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shes playing up EVERYTIME she cant get her own way, to the point where the other children are giving in..just to shut her up !!! im giving her the ignoring treatment, and have explained i will speak nicely with her, when she stops squealing and whining at me.....any other ideas...i know i need to sit it out..but god its hard work !!! thanks




  1. The naughty step works a treat as well. Remember; at that age, she won't be able to comprehend long explanations of why what she is doing is wrong, but she will be able to understand that she is being told off for that behaviour.

    Developmentally, she is just about at the end of the stage where she thinks that the whole world exists purely for her benefit, you should get through this in another 3 months or so.

  2. Seems you have got it spot on...keep calm and ignore bad behaviour but it's also important to praise good behaviour too, so when she is been quiet and doing as you've asked, give her a cuddle and tell her how good she is until she makes the connection for herself !! and yes your right it's hard work... lol... good luck !

  3. Every time mine did that, I would look at her and say 'I don't understand whine talk, ask me in a normal voice and I'll be more than happy to answer your question'.

    I got my point across finally, it took a while, but after saying that a few times, she would whine for a few minutes, then finally ask or tell me what she wanted. It worked and if she wouldn't quit, I kinda did the ignore thing and kept telling her, sorry I don't understand what you want, I don't understand whine, ask in a normal voice.

    She's older now, but she'll bring it up every now and then and say, 'remember when I used to whine, you used to say, 'I don't understand whine, ask in a normal voice'!!!!

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