
Whisky Question: Is 'Canada House' or 'Nothern Lights' or 'Canadian LTD' the best cheap whisky?

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Whisky Question: Is 'Canada House' or 'Nothern Lights' or 'Canadian LTD' the best cheap whisky?




  1. I like Canadian LTD, but Canada House works well in my Manhattens as well. I throw a splash of Southern comfort and a splash of sweet vermouth in with a couple ounces of whiskey and it goes down really well.

  2. I kinda like Canadian Leaf. I prefer Canadian Mist and I adore Canadian Club. But I think I get a hint of maple in that canadian Leaf rockgut stuff. Pretty good moon. :D

  3. Cheap whiskey? ummmmm mental block  oh well do the Mad dog  that is  garbage as well But mix it with Lemonade (ha ha)

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