
Whitch Grade did you hate the Most??

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whitch Grade did you hate the Most??




  1. 7th grade

  2. I hate 7th grade the most because i had a free ride through elementary school and then i actually had to start trying and studying

  3. Sixth, I was in  a big city, the failures had not been passed on, I was in class with fourteen and fifteen year olds. On their sixteenth birthday they would jump out the window. The girls had cat fights with pencils. No teacher stayed more than a few hours until a saint showed up, created order and actually taught us something. Until then it was h**l.

  4. 7th and 8th. definetly

  5. 3-this mean girl always picked on me and tried to steal my best friend

    5- i had a best friend that was always mean to me and tried to get me to do things i didnt want to do.

    7- it was just a hard, emotional year.

    they say 7, 10, and 11 are the hardest years.

  6. 7th grade.

  7. Every one of them

  8. last year(06-07), i can remember it i had no friends in my classes and the classes were boring. but this year (07-08) they were great i had friends in classes and i couldnt stop talking it was great good times

  9. 8th and 9th

    Now I'm happy that I'm in University.

  10. 12th grade. I had I reeaally hard time with someone there, it was all throughout that school year, but it didn't stop me from graduating though! =]

  11. 7th

  12. 4th and 8th  and the last quarter of 12th (seemed like it would NEVER end)

  13. 4th & 7th grade

  14. 6th.  You couldn't pay me to go back.

  15. I really don't know. since I was homeschooled my whole life all the grade kinda just molded together, if that makes any since. so I didn't dislike any of them ,except maybe grade 3 when I went to school for a while. The waking up early wasn't too fun :P

  16. freshman year of high school

  17. Jr. High

  18. favorite: 9th

    least favorite: 8th

  19. 6th

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  20. 10th grade. And then the first year following college when you realize you are no longer a student. Believe me-- you'll miss it some day.

  21. i didnt really hate any grade, but maybe 8th or 5th. But 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th were the best!

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