
Whitch maritial arts is good to learn for a 42 year old female?

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ok so i am going to work in the criminal justice feild and i need to learn some defense technique. what would be a good martial arts for me




  1. jiu jistu . it is so fun you learn so mus .im an almost green belt

  2. I think you should try United Studios of Self Defense.  My mom trains here and she's older than 42.  She says its very good exercise for her and she loves it.  The have studios across the U.S.

  3. If you want something simple & effective...I would say Aikido, Krav Maga or Filipino Marital Arts. Some of the police departments teach each of these techniques.  Im a FMA practioner and its very simple. Especially if you are looking for joint manipulation to overcome someone with minimal effort.

  4. Krav Maga.  The basis of Krav Maga is not the beat someone into submission and throw them around.  It is use devastating strikes to key points and get out of danger.  That is what I am putting my daughter in and that is what every woman should know.

  5. depends. how much effert do you wanna put in to it? Taechi is goog for slow asteady movements and calmness, ikido and hapkido are good for joint locks and controlling your opponent, and BJJ is good for one on one ground fighting for defense against a heavy and larger opponent and it is a good way to choke someone to sleep in about six seconds or isolate an arm and break it. I think you should try a few and pick one that fits you best. The first class is usually free so go to one class at several schools and get a feel for what you like best. good luck.

  6. Just look for some kind of MMA or self defense school near you.

  7. There's one big problem with the suggestions above, lots of the schools mentioned are becoming more and more of a McDojo that won't prepare you for a real world but just give you false confident and take your money with their belt tests and other schemes.

    Since you say you want to work in Criminal Justice field, then I'd say go and take Escrima or Kali Silat. Stick Fighting Arts basically.

    Lots of workers in the work field you mentioned will carry either telescopic steel baton or a tonfa (nightstick). You will benefit greatly from the stick fighting training when you come to real world.

    Make sure when you go to the school you check that they do sparring

    Stick fighting sparring usually has the practitioners put on kendo armor or use a foam covered plastic pipes.

    If you study in a good school, you WILL sometimes get a bit of bruises but they will get you ready when a real fight really happen.

    Most Silat places also give you some ground training too, make sure you get that just in case in a rare happening you have to fight a big man that didn't go down with one whip of your stick and manage to rush you.

    In general, Stick fighting is both the best for the age, s*x and your intended field of work.

    The weapon fight tends to be shorter (a person might be able to take lots punches and still fight back, I'd still like to see someone that can stand after a good smack of a steel baton), it means you don't have to have a stamina of a 21yrs old since fight won't drag on, and since women naturally won't develop as much muscles as men even in training, the weapon really help even the odd.

    Good luck with finding the school.

  8. aikido would be great for you emphasizes evasion and circular/spiral redirection of an attacker's aggressive force into throws, pins, and immobilizations as a primary strategy rather than punches and kicks.

  9. I've read alot of comments and I amsure none of the individuals have dealt with what you will be dealing wih in criminal justice. I train with a lot of sheriff deputies that are currently servicing the county jails out here in Los Angeles and out of the 10 that I cross train with only one does Krav the rest train in kenpo like myself, kajukembo and I believe we hae another that train in San soo kung fu. I am saying this do not get on a website to ask what would be the best martial arts, because everyone is bias towards their style, bt most people have not put it to use in your situation. The person to ask is a law enforcement officer or corrections officer.

    I have utilized my Kenpo in several life changing experieces and it worked out well, but I am also used to using my street skill as well. THe best style for you would be any style that teaches you how to actually fight.

    PS stay away from United Studio of Self Defense, because I have not met one of their students who could actualy fight and I have been in many tournaments. On the street that flashy stuff is useless.

  10. i would say that kickboxing or krav maga would be good for a 42 year old female.

    kickboxing and krav maga are very helpful in situations that women face today with problems from men

  11. My wife and I (both 32 years old) are currently studying Hakko Denshin Ryu JuJutsu. This style of JuJutsu focuses on self defense not competition. Hakko Denshin Ryu JuJutsu uses various joint locking techniques to cause very intense pain and control an attacker. This style does rely on a student's strength to subdue an attacker, but rather teaches you to exploit weaknesses and manipulate limitations of the body to overcome an attack.

    I cannot stress how effective this style is. In addition to the traditional Japanese art, we are also trained in gun and knife defenses and field searching techniques.

    I have included a link to our dojo website for more information.

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