
Whitch us town should be title town and why?

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Whitch us town should be title town and why?




  1. I think that La should be because of Dodgers, Lakers, and Raiders all have a winning history. Other contender would be Boston, Detroit, Chicago, and Dallas.

  2. Los Angeles by far. Dodgers, L.A. Raiders, Lakers, Kings, USC, UCLA....need I say more?

  3. Boston simply because every team is in a dynasty

  4. Pittsburgh. I may be biased because it's my area, but I see how much sports mean to Western Pennsylvanians.

    I had a teacher tear up as she told my class why "one for the thumb" was so important. I had a classmate skip school and spend all day in Pittsburgh for the Steelers' parade. One day that classmate will work for/with the Steelers in some way, I'm sure of it. Few things mean more to him.

    I see Pirates fans proudly visit the stadium, dressed in all their Bucco stuff, and fully believe their team can win. Bucs fans are some of the best out there. I've met some people who genuinely believe that every year could be the Pirates'. They never give up hope.

    My manager at work told me that he had Pens season tickets for eight straight crappy seasons, and the year he passes up, they actually do something. When I asked him if he was upset, he shook his head, laughed, and said that he'd rather see the Pens succeed on television than be there and watch them lose.

    I also see quite a bit of Pitt Panther love. I hear the frustration, yet sense the adoration, when the football team sucks it up.

    Maybe other places in the US deserve consideration, but no other place is worthy of winning the name "Title Town, USA."

  5. Boston and NEW York im from there but i like boston teams all my life.

  6. I guess with the Favre saga Green Bay gets to lose it's title of title town, no way. Whatever, doesn't matter anyway,no matter whom ESPN proclaims TitleTown USA, it doesn't count until it is on your city seal and off ours (Green Bay).

    To  ESPN: Can't you come up with an original nickname that isn't already taken?

  7. If Boston is able to claim the "Patriots" as part of their "Titletown USA" bid, even though Foxboro is far from the city limits of Boston, then I believe that the SF Bay Area should combine and show the US what we're made of.....  For example:

    SF 49er's - Five superbowl wins, no SB losses, "1st to five".

    Oakland Raiders - Superbowl wins

    Golden State Warriors - NBA Championship Win

    San Jose Giants - Class "A" minor league titles

    San Francisco Giants - Three NL Championships

    Oakland Athletics - Numerous World Series wins

    San Jose Earthquakes - MLS championship

    Stanford University - Numerous NCAA championships

    University of CA at Berkeley - Numerous NCAA championships

    San Jose Sabercats - Four AFL (Arena Football) championships

    Tiger Woods - Numerous USGA Amateur Championships while enrolled at Stanford University

    As a whole, since Boston/Foxboro wants to combine and utilize a metropolitan area for Titletown USA, I believe that SF/Oakland/San Jose should be able to merge as well!

  8. I hate these meaningless ESPN Contest's

    They do not prove anything

    July, is obliviously ESPN's weakest month

    because every year, they make up a contest to boost ratings in their low month

    it means NOTHING!

    its just a cheap attempt at better ratings

  9. I really don't care about having the the title of "title town". It's a bunch of BS & means nothing.  No matter who gets it, New York I think has won more titles than Boston or LA, but that's my opinion.

  10. Green Bay, WI is and forever will be known as title town

    i know they have one pro sports team and havnt wont in a while...but GB is title town

    first off Green Bay is Without a doubt the definition of town...100,000 people in total....i cant consider boston a "town"

    Boston doesnt produce the most beans in the country but they're bean town...

    new york doesnt produce the most/largest apples....yet their the big apple....

    Las Vegas is sin city...yet more crimes happen in LA every year

    Philly is the city of Brotherly love...yet how do we determine brotherly love...there are much more loving/safer places than philly

    dont take GB's only claim to fame knickname and tarnish it by tagging it to another CITY.....

    espn should rename the contest to title-city

    or champsville, victory-ton.....

    something but dont take GB's knickname and hand it out to someone else.....

    we wouldnt call Dodge City, Kansas(the windiest city) the Windy city because that name is reserved for Chicago....

    why would we call anyother town title town except green bay

  11. New York

    Yankees 26 worls series

    giants current super bowl champs

    jets history of winning

    mets and knicks have had good years

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