
White Americans no longer a majority by 2042?

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  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt


  2. Yeah I saw that too. That's cool. It's not like America will last until 2042 anyway. Not that it would matter if white people were a majority or not

  3. Ya, we apparently don't have high fertility rates. THAT just means we don't s***w all day and have kids with every Tom, d**k, and Harry.

  4. cool, more hot mexican women

  5. It is not good, unless we're importing Ashkenazis and Northeast Asians. Call me a racialist, I don't care. It is old now anyway. I think you could make a reasonable argument that there are differences between ethnic groups in mean abilities to create civilizations and to create environments that are prolific in creating new ideas and technologies which better the lives of the people within the society, or give them to financial capacity to afford luxuries that do. It is really not in anybody's best interest to have a nonwhite majority, although depending on the strictness of the definition, if you were to define whites as having central or northern European origin, whites will be descending into the 50 percent range in the next five years, that is if you do not include Arabs, Berbers, Jews, Serbs, Indians, Greeks, Italians, etc, in the occidental category or at least, not completely occidental. If you take Hispanics out of the white category when you look at American demographics you will start to understand how this is possible. Multiculturalism is a complete failure. America has no hard, successful industries any longer. We import all of our engineers because we are too stupid, lazy or undereducated by a failing school system to do something productive ourselves. Wall street has been sucking America dry and living high off their selfish speculative and avaricious philosophies, for decades. Multiculturalism and race egalitarianism are by definition anti-white-supremacist ideologies and so have their value, but they are by and large fictions and failures. The United States is in big, big trouble. I think most of us know it. We are sort of just waiting for something really big or bad to happen. The United States will not descend completely into a nonwhite nation without severe issues to catalyze some sort of secessionist, rebel movement that could change the configuration of the United States or even break it up. Will it succeed? It is hard to say. What is not hard to say, however, is that the decline of moral sacrifice, corporate hegemony, and just overall nihilistic, relativistic nonsense is a poison that strikes at the heart of a society's will to progress. It is not hard to see either that America is in serious decline and homogeneous east Asian countries are on the rise.  It is nice to have options with the kind of person you choose to mate with; the skin, the hair, the personality, and the type of cuisine you eat, but it is not nice to live in a nation struggling so much socially and economically because of it, while half the country just points the figure at white people for being the cause, when in reality, there is a wealth of information to point the figure at many, many other causes including wealth, performance, achievement, and IQ gaps between groups that I think the preponderance of evidence demonstrates are at least, in part, genetic in origin. The point is that diversity can be nice up to a point, but America has long since tipped the scale and we have not yet faced the serious repercussions of our inability to put off gratification. I personally would not mind seeing a liberal Christian society spring up in the heart of America and spread from Washington to Maine, with the major metropolitan areas like NY and LA left out. I find it absurd that people think this would be some bastion of white racist conservatism. Have you noticed that the most liberal, progressive societies in the world all exist in Northern Europe? Sort of counter-intuitive to what the media feeds you. But let's be honest, the media seems to be in on it, blinding everyone, or just convincing everyone that they do not see what is before their eyes, or that what they do see is somehow not as it appears, and people are actually buying it. It's patently absurd really. What happens in the next 15, 20 years will no doubt tell you the path we are on, but it does not look promising. We will no doubt lose military and economic supremacy. So what will the people do about it? It may not only be up to how far they are willing to go, but also, how far they are pushed. Stephen J Gould and Franz Boas were smart guys, but they were exalted and protected by massive elitist censorship, and not insulated by the strength of their reason alone. They were wrong, wrong, wrong, and we Americans are the ones who will have to deal with the consequences. Sorry. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a dreamworld created by these buffoons. And anyone who calls me a racist, would be right, but not in the traditional sense. I would be just as happy if blacks led humanity into a brighter future with their genius. Unfortunately, right now, given what I see as genetic and cultural constraints, that is not going to happen. I'm for the betterment of all human beings, but as it stands a state of betterment does not seem to be where we're headed. Objectivity gives us truth, and truth power. Similarly, I would be much happier with Obama as president, because given the political environment he is a superior choice, simply because he has a superior mind, even if I do not agree with his politics so much. Still, I do not think anything but drastic social change could stop the bleeding of America, and Obama will not do that. Anyway, I'm ranting now. Good luck America.

  6. If anything, it's a good thing.  But I suspect no one will notice any difference.

  7. i hope very much that this does not happen! i predict soon that america will be like africa (being poor and starving, i mean) which is very very sad.

  8. well if this cr*p of white guys having smaller wieners than black guys doesnt stop than mabey by the year 2010, happy?

  9. why does this bother you  

  10. Ah well it was bound to happen sooner or later  

  11. Who cares?

    We're all mixed anyways, if they didn't group us all together as 'white' we'd  have more groups than you could name.

  12. *oh...where is my hat....ah there it is*


  13. Who cares?

    Women are the majority, but look how we still keep them down!!

    (Joke, but sadly true)

  14. I think it will happen much sooner and in many states it has already happened. It is ok with me as long as there still aren't thing such as affirmative action, NAACP etc. Will they still call themselves a minority?  

  15. Does it matter?

    The problem is not that White people are disappearing and, to be honest, it is not an Immigration issue.  Being defined as a "White" American is a process of exclusion.  Mix with any other race, your child is of that race.  The only way to be defined as "White" is to have only "White" parents.

    A "Black" person and a "White" person have a child, the child is "Black"

    Whilte you have this narrow a definition and have the constant mixing of races your are going to find your growth being stifled.

  16. Acceptance


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