
White Americans?

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When white people become the minority in America, what will happen to this nation? I do not mean to be racist in any way (I am not even white), but it seems that the countries with majority whites seem to be the most peaceful/wealthy. Do we really want a United States that isn't majority white?

And again, I am not even white, so don't call me out for being racist. I just feel that for this nation to succeed, there needs to be a strong majority of one race.




  1. Think white nations are the most peaceful? They are very repressive in reality. The Illuminati control the word and are the most warlike and hate filled.

    Google The Illuminati and discover the Bush connection too.

    They go way back ( also, google  Free Masons)

    and also The Skull and Bones Club

  2. Uh, not a friggin' thing.

    You're not racist? Except for the fact that you think that people not White are going to ruin the country -- how is that not racist?

    It's simply not true that all non-White majority countries are poor and war-filled -- thoug much of the fault for those that are is in the imperialist policies of Europe; something that doesn't hold for the US.

    What do you suggest? Murdering all the non-whites except yourself?

    The country is becoming what it's becoming.

    But only racists have a problem with it becoming no longer White majority (which is a ways off yet, anyway).

    If you want to live in a country with a White majority, move to one.

    No, it's not true that a country has to have a majority of one race.

    Besides, 'race' is a completely meaningless, bogus concept anyway.

  3. Good question, and good for you for not being "politically Correct" I don't believe in that c**p, I don't really have an answer though, What is white America is there really such a race, I don't think so, since we as Americans are so horny, I believe once people start to realize that, the ones throwing down the race card at every chance, are the true problem, and stop giving them the attention they desire, the problem of PC might dissolve and go away, If you where born outside the USA say Mexico, and earned your citizenship then you are Mexican-American, If your parents did that and you where born here Then you are American with Mexican descendants, and that my friend is truth, You should only fly one flag of loyalty. So no one is confused about who you are. One race as Majority is it even possible with so many people in the US with so many levels of poverty or income. Which is shared by all Americans not by race, but by virtue of circumstances either chosen or chance. Sorry I dont mean to get on soapbox. The question just struck a cord inside.

  4. I think change is difficult for some, including myself.  When I look at that from outside of my head, it's silly to really "think" about it, because change is constant.  It's not about the color of skin, but culture in my thinking.  I really like culture here.  We are quite independent in thinking and choosing what we do in life and job/careers we choose.  I would like to see people coming to America and adopt the same way of living, yet be able to embrace their culture as well.   I just think that one of the concerns is change in the culture here.  Change is uncomfortable in many ways.  For instance:  English.  Will that be less spoken in the near future, and will another language be the majority?  What about housing?  And if the whites become the minority, will white people be able to more easily be able to obtain governmental benefits, like the current minoriies are able to obtain?  It's not about the color for me.   I'm color blind.  lol, it's  about changes in culture.  It might be tough to change for many who were born and raised here with the ideal that this is the way America is.  I've been given a lot to think about here.  Interesting question.

  5. Something like 60 or 70% of the US is minoritys, yeah I know makes tons of sense right.  Honestly whites will never be considered a minority.  A white guy could go to africa which is like 99% black in a lot of places and would be like dam whats with all hte minoritys.  Ok but to be serious the reason whites won't be considered a minority for a long long long time is because look at the list of the richest and most powerful people in america, most are old white guys.  Honestly no matter who is the supposed minority this country is going downhill anyways, but thats a whole different thing.  Btw yes I am white.

  6. Those nations started out differently than this one and their cultures and governments are not based on the same philosophy as ours, so frankly you can't compare the U.S. to any other country except in terms of economics. China and India, Israel, and Egypt are doing pretty dang well without being white.

    So anyway you look at it (and there are many more ways) your argument is very poorly thought out.

    And technically you just might mentally be a racist.

    So, you might want to rethink that whole "white people are the best" rhetoric.

  7. It shouldn't make a difference. We are no different, it's just skin color, ethicity, and language that's different about us. On the inside, we're no different. I'm not saying you're racist, I just don't see why we would need a strong majority of one race. Whites and blacks and hispanics can work together if they try.

  8. a society/country has never had an opportunity to dominate their own country without whites.... unless you count south america, north america (the native americans before whites came), also african countries have ruled themselves.

    america was raw when the whites came. so they could only go up from there. plus rich europeans financed the colonies when they first got to america. that brought the chance of failure rate down, plus they were still considered part of europe

    america started out a bit rough.

    america is young compared to other countries, i don't think there will be a problem if non whites take over. our educational system isn't the best in some parts however a persons abilty to learn is based in the individual... not race

    every race in america has the opportunity to learn so every race has a chance to succeed

    this from a multi racial person. i don't think your question is racist

  9. Sadly your question is not very well thought out.  Yet you have nothing to worry about.  See there was a time when whites were not the majority in this country.  In fact during the first 100 years of our country's existence, Native Americans, and slaves (African Americans) made up more than half of our country's population.  But they had no power, whites, through a process of force and intimidation, gained power for themselves.  This was repeated in India, as well as Australia, and South Africa.  Now of course,India and South Africa have renounced their seperatist policies,  but  I cite these two countries to illustrate my point that white dominance is not a numbers game but a power game.  And let's face facts, even if ethnic minorities did outnumber whites (which collectively speaking they do) they would never band together as a whole, they tend to view whites as superior to themselves, and would probably misuse power if they ever had it, as they often use it to mistreat their own kinds.  So as I said earlier, you have nothing to worry about.

  10. I don't believe it's going to matter much who is in the majority/minority before too long. Gas going up. Food going up. Everything going up (except wages). That doesn't matter, though, because the value of the dollar's going down. They're fighting over bags of rice in some places...don't be surprise if/when it happens here.


  12. Wow...IF white people in the USA become a minority, nothing will change. It's called assimilation and the US is really good a it, immigrants coming to the US (and Canada too) will inevitably adopt Western values and Western culture by the second or third generation (I speak from experience).

    As for majority white nations being the most wealthy and peaceful. Japan is the second wealthiest nation in the world and hasn't been involved in a major war since WW II.

    Whites make 73.9% of the USA's population BTW

  13. in what way does the color of our skin have to do with our future?

    If you belive that skin color is the reason for an overall cultures success or failure, you should go back to school or read some books.

    i would sit here and give u example of peacfull/wealthy civilization that are not white - but my guess it that it wont sink in.
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