
White Britain?? what is happening to the country ?

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Well I read the sun newspaper today & read an article where it said that just 2 out of 3 kids born in this country (urban areas) are white.

I'm mixed race (white/black) & I am not a racist at all & I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the windrush era (18 year old 1ST generation) but I think immigration is getting well out of hand now. We needed these skilled workers back in the 50's & 60's to re build Britain after WW2 & they fought along side the Brits also during WW2 as they were part of the commonwealth (Jamaica, pakistan, etc) they brought with them there wonderfull culture & changed the face of Britain & the most important thing that they did was intergrate themselves into British society & the British way of life.

But today there is so much immigration that some groups just don't mix into society anymore & we are getting large amounts of areas that are already suffering from poverty & are being pumped full or foreigners that are just not adapting to the British lifestyle or even speaking English, which I think is just so wrong & I have heard of areas that white people can't go too for fear of being racial attacked!! you watch the news & in some classes in London you can't even find a white face... in a prodominently white country.

It's disgusting we worked for our opportunity too come to Britan & other people move here (not all but a few) & abuse it & give us a bad name.

I think that we need to seriously start thinking about how too deal with mass imagration before it's too late, as the BNP ARE on the rise, radical Muslim groups & other people are hating on Britian but still feel the desire too live will turning young guys into hating there own country of birth, which is sick. Communities are being driven apart beacuse of this & we need to act now & sort out the problems that we have before it's too late.

Britain is the most intergrated society & the most welcoming society in Europe if not the World & we must keep it that way. But we must uphold British beliefs before the beliefs of your home culture or relgion & we have too remember that the majority of non white people have only been here 50 odd years.

I must add that the Majority of people do intergrate into society but a growing number of 21 century immigrants or Asylum seekers aren't




  1. Blame the labour goverment and its slack immigration laws.

    Now anybody with a rubber dingy can hop across the channel and be claiming benefit in a week.

    Hopefully the conservatives will enforce it better, and throw out the unskilled immigrants who just mooch off the system, although thats hoping for too much.

  2. Your source is The Sun newspaper, end of.

  3. im white, no problem with race...immagrents like polish,pakistanis etc thats a problem, all jobs are given to polish now when were the ones who really need it

  4. immigration is a problem but theres a reason for that NHS benefits, were too soft we should give priority to them its our NHS not the worlds, why should we pay money to immigrans who come over, theres a war in our country, yeah we were bombed day and night everyday didnt see us mass emigrating did you, yes the BNP are on the rise they almost won my local constituancy, and its money people who live in my area so that seems quite worrying (btw im solid working class in a fortunate area, our corner of the village is council houses the rest are houses worth £300,000 one must be at least £500,000, anyway something needs to be done, and this about britishness is rubbish, being simply born here doesnt make a person british, i can trace my family lineage back to 1800 and we were in england all the time so here when we had the battle of trafalga, land the names given of my ancestors are old english names so no doubt will trace back further, it is our history and pride that makes us british, not being born here, its our spirit and willingness to continue through adversity, the bull dog spirit as it were, sorry but thats my view, though i have a lot of coloured friends and there sound

  5. Well said *claps*

    i agree with you something does need to be done. especially with the housing programme it stinks!

  6. dont believe everything that you read in the Sun, it's not renowned for it's hard hitting journalism, we cant really refuse to let others enjoy the benefits of our wonderful country just because they have different lifestyles.

  7. I'm english and have absolutely no problem with race.

    What does annoy me is the influx or immigrants, legal or not. We are a tiny country and enough is enough.

  8. First, don't believe what is in the Sun. Britain has been a mixed race country since before the Roman invasion. It is nothing new, nothing has changed apart from peoples intolerance and adverse / scaremongering publicity!

  9. I agree with Beastie,

    No one here in Liverpool buys the Sun since the bull $hit they printed about us.

    it's rubbish, i don't know how the sun can get away with printing such cr@p

    Put it this way.... when we had that minor earthquake a few months ago, the sun printed that a whole town split in two as the ground  opened, flames were coming out of the ground and lava was seeping into peoples front gardens...... oh please!  you honestly believe the sun?

  10. Ah... the Sun.

    The paper which wrote that Liverpool fans urinated on the dying at Hillsborough. The paper that doesn't sell in Liverpool. Because the paper printed lies. I won't read it either, because it prints lies about Scotland regularly.

    News for you. The BNP would have you out of the country too, because if you are not white and British (whatever the h**l that means) they would have you removed to the country of origin of whichever parent wasn't white.

    The area I live in is full of Poles and Eastern Europeans. And I don't know or care what they're like where you come from, because around here they work and are generally polite decent people.

  11. "The Sun"- It must be right then.

    They're only fit for providing comic's with material,  pictures for the semi literate and bare b***s for those who can't reach the top shelf.

    Which are you?

  12. Actually the majority of immigrants in the UK settle down quite well.  The real problems are those parts where this immigration is a new phenemenon, like the north and southwest.  Those areas where it's been going on for years it hardly seems to be a real issue.

    Laws on immigration are actually quite effective and are being tightened and reformed - Parliament and many independent watchdogs think so.  What's more, please, never *ever* use the Sun newspaper as a source again.  That paper has an agenda to feed off the most basic emotions of people, like anger and lust, in order to get a kick out of it and to sell more papers.

    The level of non-native Brits to native Brits babies being born is nothing like 2 out of 3, but it is true that immigrants' babies are the majority of new babies in this country.  However consider that the alternative is that the population would decline.  A decline in population means fewer people to work and tax, and an increasing ageing population which does not work but lives on pension and benefits.  The state would struggle horrendously to cope.

    Immigration however helps supply fresh young people to work (and again, don't believe the Sun, the majority come here to work, and there is very, *very* low evidence that it affects the unemployment rate - more people to buy things means more work, hence more jobs, more people to buy things - the circle goes on), and those that work are taxed, counteracting the increased ageing native population, helping the state to provide again.  Without the immigration levels of the last decade it's argued the economy would have tanked long ago.

  13. fair play to you,sir.

    i know many people who are non-white but who are certainly more english than i am !.the current policy is harmful and it's causing public resentment.

    after all,that's what powell was getting at all those years ago.he warned of public resentment and widespread disaffection but he was an easy target for a political assasination job.

    the BNP ?, hmmm. i don't like this view of the british as white and white's c** dad grew up in 1950s birmingham and he can't remember the britain these supremacists talk about.

    the BNP need to alter this position and they'll get more support.we are simply over-run at the moment and we cannot carry on like this.

    what's more...everyone seems to be allowed a "community" except those who are proud to be brits.

    unless you're willing to swear allegiance to our queen or our flag/way of life then sod off !.i know some will disagree but a nation with scant regard for its' own identity is doomed.

    i understand why so many vote for the BNP,it's inevitable.

  14. I'm an American and I agree,  I've read about the "no-go" zones you have in your own country, THAT should not be tolerated.  Our countries' both have slack immigration laws that somehow let the terrorists in and illegals, but give a hard time to people who pay money and do it the way they are supposed to.

    And when they do get in, as you mention, they complain about how we do things, act, wear, eat and speak.  Go home then!  The whole of Europe is turning into an Islamic paradise of Welfare recipients while you, the "infidel" are working to support them.  Then they turn around and firebomb say, the Prime Minister of Finland's house.  Not the way to endear yourself to a new country.    

    That's a problem on both sides of the pond, weak immigration laws and wimpy enforcement of those laws.  And what thanks do we get?  Death threats and protest marches, organizations that act as dialogue groups but are only front groups for terrorists.  Meanwhile the multiculturalists wipe the tears from their eyes watching a Muslim walk by with his rifle sticking out from under his robes.  

  15. That is one of the most interesting statements I have heard for a long time.  It could only come from somebody like you and I mean that in the nicest sense.  I don't think there is an answer to it because nobody has the guts to deal with it.  Regretfully along with other people I am considering voting for BNP because if you like it or not, they are the only ones that will represent me and I think that is terrible.  The other party is UK democratic.  Why cannot our Government follow the will of the people.  Its the same old cry, my father voted for XXXX and so will I, and God help the country.  There are so many reasons, we have an enemy within and living on our money.  We give them court protection, what a load of idiots, there is a time when somebody should say, if you don't like it, so  d off, just as somebody said in Australia where they actually speak there minds on occasions. Oh God what happened to Great Britain.  The country that I love.

  16. I couldn't have wrote that any better myself. I completely agree with you and will carry on voting BNP.

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