
White British genocide,is this what's happening?

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Figures Ive read state that within 30 yrs the whiteman in the UK will be in the minority,by the looks of some of our city's Id say were not far from that now,is this a form of slow genocide?




  1. Genocide-NO.


    The leaders of this once great country ,over the years have seen fit to give everything we once stood for ,away.

    We are now the laughing stock,and soft touch,of the western world. Nowhere else in the world would sequester the rights of the indiginous peoples to incoming parties. As we are doing. This is not a racist comment,this is fact.

    Why,are our leaders doing this?

  2. its  ot genocide...

    its britain becoming more diverse

  3. British are famous for expounding on the virtues of MULTICULTURALISM. It is this belief that is being perpetuated by immigrants, intent on gaining the controlling voice of government. It's the intentional deterioration of the English way of life.

    Problem is, its NOT multicultural. Instead, it is the slow aggression of ONE religion-based culture who is devouring  the established one.

    I'm not sure what the word would be for what you mean. Genocide is close to the term you're looking for though. I do understand why you're using it. While it's not a mass murdering situation, it most definitely is the end of life and suppression of the original people being slowly controlled by one that's moved in all communities and their plan is to specifically take over.

    What's worse is the UK government is allowing this to happen.

  4. Is not genocide - that is what your nation, in its various incarnations, has exported to other parts of the world for centuries.

  5. No, as one poster already said genocide involves the mass murder of people on an unimaginable scale.  I do not see the British,  being murdered in their millions do you? If you have genuine fears put your point across, which you have the right to do,  without scaremongering and using inflammatory words that you clearly have no understanding of, or is that your intention? And please can you either post a link, or cite your source.

  6. stop saying uk. its england & people like you are taking away our identity. how many non whites are there in scotland & wales, its an english problem!

  7. yes it most certainly is!! but the white indigenous population of Britain deserve every hour of their own agonised genocide. only those with courage survive. some thing you wont find a lot of !! within the white Indigenous population of this country. i never thought i would see the day when  i would have to admit that the French were more courageous than the British. but its true. at least they come out on to the streets and are prepared to fight for their rights. the British just bend over for another shafting.

  8. I get the gist of what you want to put across and I agree that it very much looks that way. The people of this Nation are being replaced by Peoples from Cultures that are alien ,hostile ,and are emboldened by our inept politicians who are too scared to deal with our real fears. In parts of our Towns the population has already been largely replaced .by a Foreign Culture that is JUST Theirs. ----No Multiculture there.

  9. I believe someone is trying to stir it up a bit!

  10. Ridiculous, white people are NOT disappearing. That would take an act of God.

  11. I have not read that the "white man" will be in the minority, but I have read that those from other countries may, in time, equal or outnumber the indigenous population. By making this a "race" issue, it deflects from the real issue in my view. No country can see this level of immigration by anyone, and not have their culture altered or diluted, it is the nature of the human collective. In small numbers people assimilate, in large numbers people preserve their culture, ghetto-ise, segregate, if you will. Over time, those in larger numbers seek to have their culture on a par with that of the indigenous population, that is fine for them but has a detrimental effect on the host culture who sees their "identity" being eroded. What this does, in my view, is to cause resentment and hostility on the part of the indigenous population which  includes those of other races who have been here for a generation or two. . Quite rightly, and that is exactly what is happening. It is cultural genocide, and I say that on behalf of all races that consider themselves to be "British". It is just that which has attracted many to our island, and it is just that which they are destroying. Some have asked why our supposed "rulers" are allowing this, they are not "allowing" it, they are actively seeking it. The goal for a long, long  time, has been a Federation of Europe, how better to achieve it than by homogenising all member nations? If your culture, history and patriotism has been reduced to nothing, what is there to defend? Might as well give up and let your EU masters have total control, we have all been warned, but failed to listen.


    Do not be fooled by the French, exactly how much have their "protests" acheived? Ask the people of France, do not listen to their media, it is as biased as ours.      .

  12. The BNP are biased. How can a minority of dark Brits (approx 6% of total population) become the majority (94%) in 30 years?

    I dont mind political or other views as long as it is not used for deception

  13. And your point is?

  14. I wonder, if the boot was on the other foot, what reception would we get in another land?  South Africans showed how they would react to immigrants  that affected their jobs and way of life. Many Zimbabwians were killed there.

    People in England want a forum to air their views but as soon as this subject is raised some clown screams racism and everyone runs for cover.

    We need a real leader who will also tell us the TRUE proportion of immigrants that are here and not massage the figures downward.

  15. No it is not, especially as it is not true.  

    Have you any links?

  16. Statements like yours are generally used to stir up Racial Hatred. We have seen the results of that worldwide. Why not use your energy to bring about peace and love amongst all races, colours, and creeds in your country?

  17. Non whites are taking over but they will have a problem in the near future. Who will pay their social security?

  18. Absolutely!

  19. more like slow emigration and rapid immigration.

  20. No.  Stop the fear mongering.  It's ridiculous...

    Why are Whites so paranoid about being in the minority?  Is it because they've oppressed everybody else and they worry about payback?

  21. no problem man

  22. No, whites will still hold the majority of positions of power. Genocide involves mass murder, the word should not be used lightly to do a bit of stirring

  23. Don't believe anything you read on the BNP website, they're just a bunch of racist idiots.

  24. Yeah, im no racist but the white bristish person is becoming less and less frequent with other races becoming a majority in lots of major cities. Most of this is due to people marrying into other races which was not common not that long ago. white british people will become the minority!

  25. Where have you read this?!?

    I'm worried now!

  26. don't use the word 'genocide' unless you know the meaning of it.

  27. I live in BNP central and the decent white people are all moving away, not because of the asylum seekers, but because of the racist yobs making the place unbearable.

    I was born here, lived here all my life, went to school here and my family, on both sides, go back 100 years here. When the white racists who moved here from London hear me speak and ask me where I'm from originally they refuse to believe I'm even English, let alone from the town.

    You wanna know why? Because I can speak properly.

    I'm being driven out of my birthplace by other white people.

    Oh and you need to look up the word genocide in a dictionary. You really shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of.

  28. Genocide involves murder on a massive scale.

  29. It's strange isn't it that the majority of answers to this BNP question are well-written, thoughtful, opinions which disagree entirely.

    And yet, despite being the great majority, they have all been given 9 or more "thumbs down" while anything supporting this BNP stance is given lots of thumbs up.

    It's almost as if there are a couple of British fascists out there (at most) who use Yahoo Answers to spout their party lines, dressing them up as questions, and then, using multiple login names, ensure that all disagreement is quashed and an answer such as "Yes, I agree entirely, white English people are soon all going to have to wear a veil and bacon will be banned" is selected as Best Answer.

    It's pathetic really.

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