
White Fillings Advice!!?

by Guest32433  |  earlier

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I've been reading up on the Internet and it's told me that white fillings aren't suited to large fillings on the back teeth.

Is this true??

I have a massive filling which covers the whole tooth of one of my back teeth and i'm quite self consious about it.

But I need the filling to last at least three years like the black has cause i just can't afford to have treatment regular.

If it's true then is there a way to make it less noticable, through teeth whiteners or something??





  1. You can have a tooth colored crown placed on the tooth, it is pretty expensive but it will last for 10 years or more. I would advise you not to get a tooth colored filling on a molar. Yes, they look better but they are not as strong and the silver filings. They don't seal very well which can cause recurrent decay (decay under the filling) also, dentist have use an etching agent (mild acid) to bond the tooth colored filling to the teeth, and the acid can absorb into your nerve canal and cause you to have to get Root Canal Therapy (root canal). And with most root canals you will need a crown and you end up paying out a lot of money.  I have seen this happen many of time since working in the dental field for 7years.  

  2. In France our fillings are the same colours as our teeth. I don't think teeth whitening treatment whitens the dark greyish metal fillings or any other filings that aren't the same colours as the human teeth.

  3. It was true years ago that tooth colored fillings were not as durable as silver fillings, that is just not the case any longer. In fact, tooth colored fillings actually bond to the tooth and can help reinforce the tooth,unlike a silver filling.

    If a dentist tells you a tooth colored filling is too large to support the tooth, the same would be true of a silver filling. If the tooth has had such a large filling in the past,perhaps your next option will be a crown or an onlay. Both can be made to match your teeth.

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