
White People That Do Not Look White?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I am white, but I don't look it supposedly. All my white friends since I was a kid would tell me this and call me names like 'gino' or 'bini'. I don't take offence really, I just want to know why some whites look almost Arabic? My father is French, and my mother is Scottish. They both look white, especially my dad. But my mother could pass as a Spaniard or an Italian. You may think it is possible down the lines some of this blood got into the lines, but it really didn't. We are all pure Scot and French.

Today a gas attandent was looking at me smiling. I think he was from Algeria. He said to me with a smile, "Do you speak Arabic son?" and I laughed and said.."No, sorry"..Then he said "Oh, I think you look Lebanese". That was a first for me. Another guy said I looked very Mediterranean. I have been called Serbian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Algerian, Greek, Various Arabic places like Lebanese. Not once has anyone said 'are you french?' 'are you british?' 'are you german?'..

Why do some people of the white races not look it? Just curious.. It doesn't bother me that I look Lebanese or anything..I have met so many hot chicks from Lebanon and Syria it isn't even funny, so I don't mind actually.




  1. yh i know someone like that..i asked her if she was from anywhere and she said she was just dark

    some people just come out that way lol theres no explanation

    my mum is really light even though shes fully black nigerian...people always ask if she mixed but shes not

    people just come out different sometimes lol  

  2. Hate to break it to you you, but their is no such thing as racial purity. Also Arabic is a language, not a racial group. Now, that we have that out the way, to answer your question- Recessive genes.

  3. In more diverse places people want to say something exotic, it you go to the hood. You are nothing but white. I am mixed but I get the you look white all the time. I cannot help what I look like, but I do know who I am. As long as you know you are french/scottish, smile and just deny deny  

  4. Race is a social creation. Go to Harlem, and I doubt anyone will question your whiteness. That's just the way it is. Race changes depending where you are.

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