
White Russia_________! Why always the white dominated Government's name pupping up in brutality to others?

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White Russia_________! Why always the white dominated Government's name pupping up in brutality to others?




  1. Mainly because the reds won the war. The red commissars behaved every bit as bad as the white troops.

    See it like this: if Germany had won WW2, you think all the top n***s would be tried in Neurenberg? Or perhaps air marshall 'bomber' Harris and others might have to explain themselves on the Cambridge trial?

  2. Russia is slightly mixed, its shared with Europe and Asia. Also, havent you heard of Darfur.  

  3. 'White Russia' means the country of Byelorussia, whose capital is Minsk.

  4. hello.. I'll just add this drop, my forefamilies came FROM White Russia to America, and they were of Polish and German blood. Good luck with your intense searching. : }

  5. hello

    the main reference to "White Russia" , occured during the Russian revolution, and does not refer to skin colour, but rather :-

    The designation White has several interpretations. First, it stood in contradiction to the Reds—the revolutionary Red Army who supported the soviets and Communism. Second, the word "white" had monarchist associations: historically the first monarch of unified Russia, Ivan III, was styled "Albus Rex", or "white tsar". Most importantly, some of the soldiers of White Army wore white uniforms of Imperial Russia

    if however you are refering to older usage of "white russia" , it was a term used for a person from Belarus, which translates as "White Russia" (bela meaning white and rus from the same root as Russia). This usage is obsolete in English.

    you need to bear in mind that there are few references to the white russians commiting atrocities ... the reds were a far greater threat civilians (eg. in the 1930's 1,548,367 were executed by the russians own count)

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