
White South African male Yahoo Answers contributors, who of you did National Service, and where?

by  |  earlier

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I did, 1988-1989, the last of the full 2 year intake. My stint was basics at 3 SAI (Third South African Infantry Battalion) and thereafter Infantry School, Oudtshoorn, which included a 3 month stint on the border of SWA and Angola.




  1. Chris, you can't be serious. Of is jy een van daai ouens wat jou naam met 'n uitwisser teken?

  2. Avery scary question my friend, and I think that that info is still bound by the official secrets act, more for the protection of the troopie against pursecutions after the fact.

    Be interesting to see how many people hang themselves though.

  3. Not old enough to have done National Serivice as such, was 18 in July 1994. My cousin was in the SAP in Soweto in the 90's.... and my father had served first in Rhodesia and then copped national service in  South Africa post 76 when the law was changed to include non-SA male whites. He was in the SAP. A distant "uncle" of mine was in the bureau of state security. Interesting guys to talk to now.....


    Hey Hennie, you enquired as to who had done national service so I responded to say I hadn't, That's the problem with you, you only look for the answers you want. Anyway, pas op my bru, I can always phone my oompie who was in the B.O.S.S., he was probably the one who issued the orders that sent you on your missions......LOL!!!

  4. I served my Compulsory 2 years in the SAPS and did an extra 4 and a half years . I served mainly at National protection service Bryntirion in Pretoria but we were often send on trips where we were needed because of riots . These places include Phola Park ,Alexandra ,Phongola,Khayelitsha,Verdrag and maleoskop .

    The rest of my services was in private capacity to the SA government which later was ''privatized'' and little bit later was ruled illegal by Government .

    Before the SAPS I had some training at 2 sein regiment and SA LEER Inligtingskool for the SANDF but was  drafted to serve the SAPS .

  5. !982-1984 SWA /Angola Maintenance and Genie

    All for f       o     k     all waisted our life's for sweet blue f

    Chris what is to hide we where forced to do it ,at the end all for the wind just for a traitor to gave the land away

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