
White Water Rafting!! Wetsuit?

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i'm going white water rafting in 2 hours. should i wear a wetsuit or not. the water is SO cold. you can rent wetsuits at the place where we are going rafting. they take your picture at the end of the ride, and i want to look ok in the picture. for everybody who's gone rafting, should i wear a wetsuit?




  1. dont worry about the picture.  you need to wear that wetsuit!

  2. If the water is really cold, DEFINITELY wear a wetsuit. You will be miserable for the entire trip and you will look even worse in your picture from the cold without one.

    As for looking good, suggest that they take the picture before and after you finish the ride. Or better yet, bring your own camera and have someone take your picture before and after.

  3. I would of course wear a wetsuit, remember that white water rafting is a risky sport, not a trip to Disney land and you could die, keep that in mind. It's not about looking good it could be the differnce between life and death. HAVE FUN!

  4. I went white water rafting a couple days ago. Don't wear a wetsuit, wear a bathing suit because sometimes the raft tips over. It gets really hot sometimes when you go white water rafting so you wont be cold. You can get out of the raft and take a swim too. If they take a picture at the end, who cares? As long as your wearing a nice bathing suit you'll look fine. Oh and the water isnt that cold. its kinda warm

    Have fun,

    white water rafting is awesome!!! Oh and be careful when u get to the rapids, you may get stuck on rocks! if u do someone has to come out of the raft and push the raft off the rocks.

  5. Ask your outfitter....they will be able to tell you about the current conditions.

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