
White blister on my gums?

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About two days ago, I found that I had grown a white blister on my lower right gum. It hurts to chew. The blister is oval shaped, and maybe half a centimeter long.

The whole bottom right gum is red, starting from the blister and going all the way to the back of the mouth. And today, I found I have another, much more painful blister on the gum at the back of my mouth.

I didn't accidentally poke myself with a toothbrush, and I'm pretty sure that this isn't because of my retainers.

Is this serious? Should I talk to my dentist? Is there anything to do to alleviate the pain?




  1. could it be oral thrush?? google it.  

  2. It's sounds like an alcer. They are white blisters that are on your gums and they kill when you knock them. You can get some cream at your pharmacy or  gargle hot water with salt or put vegemite on it. If it's not gone within like 2 weeks, get it checked out at your dentist, but nothing to worry about,

  3. It could just be ulcers. Try putting vegemite on it and if it doesnt clear up then go see a dentist.

  4. hi there i work as a dental assistant , being at the back of the gum have you had your wisdom teeth removed, because they can cause an olsar if you have had them out well it may be an absis does it seem to contain fluid inside? you dont wait for these things see your dentist a.s.ap

  5. Well, there are a lot of questions that need asking and answering to be sure, also a visual would be very important.  I don't know if it is serious and alleviating the pain depends on what the problem really is.  You see the difficulty here...

    The first two things that came to my mind were a possible dental abscess, canker sore or what we in the industry affectionately call herpetic stomatitis (don't be alarmed with the name).  

    IF the "hurt" is from the tooth when you chew my gut feeling is that you may have a dead tooth with an abscess growing OR you have a gum problem that has abscessed.

    IF the "hurt" is like a sting or superficial pain it may be the canker or other type of blister.  (but there are dozens of types of dental blisters, most of which heal on their own with not problems).

    Bottom line, go see your dentist ASAP.  They will be able to assure you one way or the other and give you a proper diagnosis.  I have not given you a diagnosis or any treatment options because there is no way for me to tell what is actually occurring.

    Good luck.

  6. It may also be a canker sore. I've gotten these before, and they do hurt. Unfortunately, they take about 1-2 weeks to go away. If it is a canker sore, I recommend that you buy some Anbesol and place some of it on the sore with a q-tip. It won't go away right away, but the Anbesol helps heal it faster. Here's an image of what it may look like if it is a canker sore and also a link to what the Anbesol medication looks like so that you can purchase it. And no, it is not serious. I'm not sure what causes them, but I get them occasionally. After this one goes away, if you ever feel like they're forming again, then place some of the Anbesol on it before it gets worse. The Anbesol will stop it from growing even more in about 2 days. It's better to stop them from getting worse so that you won't have to go through two weeks of pain. Hopes this helps.

  7. Its an ulcer in the mouth. That i know of, they can form on any fleshy part of your mouth, including the roof of your mouth.

    I've never had retainers but ive had ulcers before and yes, they are painful. Have you been eating lots of junk food lately? Have you been drinking less water? HHave you been eating less vitamins? These are usually the cause of mine.

    anyway, try to rinse your mouth out with a cup of warm water and a bit of salt in it. Not too little or it dont do anything and no too much or it will burn alot. If possible, try to do this once or twice a day, until its gone (better yet, if you can handle it, eat a lemon:P). The burning sensation is the salt gettin rid of the germs. Also, try to eat more veges and more fruit, less junk food like fast food or chips and drink plenty of water. Also, lots of rest helps too :).

    Hope this helps.


    PS: what i said above will hurt (specially eating the lemon). And no, its nothing serious. If you follow above it should go within the week. And trying to chew on the other side of the mouth or not pokin it with a retainer will help. (I remember my sis had one for bout 3 days and as it was healing, she bit it and it grew worse. She did that like 3 times :P)

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