
White cloud mountain minnow-look at pictures please

by  |  earlier

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Please go to the following website and look at the most recent pics I added of my white cloud mountain minnow. The most recent are the last 5, the ones before that were added about a week ago. I'm wondering if she is pregnant? When I asked before I was told that females are bigger, but she is growing more and more. I have 2 other white clouds (yes I know I need more) but they are thin. I have seen them display to her. Thanks! Oh, and if she is, please tell me what to do. I'd like to keep them all in the main display tank if possible. I don't have any realy plants but many fake ones. Temp is 76 degrees. Any other info appreciated!

Thanks :-) Ellen




  1. Ellen,

    I loved your excellent pictures, and I sure think your white cloud mountain minnow is likely to give birth.  I am not certain that I would raise the temperature of the water nor would I put her in a breeders box.  The reason I would not raise the temperature is because the natural habitat does not seem to include the need to raise the temperature - but if you do, raise it very slowly, like no more that 1 degree an hour - and also think about how this might affect your mollies.

    And that is why I would not put her in a breeders box, fish like to swim around objects and kind of hide out, putting her in a box might be pretty stressful!  A long, long time ago we used a sponge filter and good aeration for our tanks.  (Like 35 years ago!)

    I read the article on Wikipedia and it sounds like you can do this but you might have a bit of cannibalization happening.

    Oh, I found another article you might like.

    Have Fun!  And I really enjoyed your pictures... in fact, they were as good as the professional photography on the information sites for white clouds.


    Looks very good, you are very good at supporting a lifestyle of comfort for all the animals (and fish) that you come in contact with, I applaud your kind and beautiful efforts of considerate kindness.  You must be a wonderful friend.

  2. Yes, she is pregnant. Some of you local fish stores might sell some two-way breeders which are extremely helpful for the delivery of the fry. while she is pregnant keep the temp at around 78-80 degrees F, after that you can lower it back down. i'm not sure if she is an egg layer or a non-egg layer, but is she IS a non, put her in the breeder when she is ready to deliver. keep her in there for an hour or so, then release her back into the tank. keep the fry in the breeder until they are ready to be released back into the main tank.  

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