
White duck?

by  |  earlier

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i have a white duck that lives on our pond his legs are swollen. any body have any ideas what the problem is.




  1. My bird had that. You need to take him to the vet. He was attacked by a predator and that is his defense mecanism. [dont ask] The vet will give him a steroid shot and then he will be kinda tired after so make sure that he is safe from any predators that may try to attack him again.

  2. You probably have a Pekin duck ( most common domestic breed ) he might of gotten attacked by a predatore, and it might be infected. He could of stepped on something and the wound could of gotten infected.

    Either way, you need to take him to the vet. He will need antibiotics, if you dont, then you may well end up with a dead duck.
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