
White flash in vision?

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I have experienced the past few days a bright white flash in my vision. It is not flashes..but a single flash. Like someone is taking a picture outside my field of view, but I see the flash. it happens so fast i cant tell if its in both eyes or one. or if it blocks my vision or not. its just a quick flash. i have no pain or headaches or feel no different. i just am seeing this flash. what is it. i tried looking online, but i cant seem to find anything that describes what i am experiencing. thanks




  1. My eye doctor told me if I ever saw flashes of light, to seek attention ASAP. I would go to a quick care/ER or call your doctor.

  2. Yes, you should go to the doctor asap. I had this happen to me, and a few months later I got optic neuritis and went blind in my right eye, which is a symptom of Multiple Sclerosis. Not saying you have MS, but it could be a symptom of anything. Changes in your vision can mean something is going wrong with your body. I would call the opthomologist (sp?) tomorrow. If you tell them what is wrong, they should be able to get you in right away.

  3. You need to be seen by an opthamologist asap. Could be a potentially sight threatening condition...check out the third paragraph on this site
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