
White flashing..........?

by  |  earlier

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Over somebody's head I saw a white light flashing. I have seen flashes of white light in my house with no logical explanation. It is not any light and it is not lightening because the colour is just white. I have seen round white circular looking things floating around. I have seen white flashing in my house near the roof. So my question is, what do you think it is?




  1. the white flashing light could be the Holy Spirit, could be angelic.

    I have known people who have seen the white circular lights during

    worship- orbs; some say it's an energy thing, some say ghostly,

    but I think it's angels.

    Sounds like you've got some good Holy Spirit activity going on in your house!

    God bless!

  2. well its not the grimm a black mist its probably a ghosts  aura or a spirit guardian i have a demon guardian because I'm a vampire

  3. Maybe its a warship that is finishing reteleporting your house back to earth.  and the white flashes are just the left over energy depleating itself like its suppoosed to.

  4. Perhaps you are seeing that persons aura. ..

  5. You are very lucky to be seeing this!

    I have also seen these flashes of white light in my house, and I understand exactly what you are talking about!

    I believe that you are seeing some sort of energy from spirit. They don't mean you any harm, they are simply letting you know that they are there.

    Have you been asking a particular question in your mind, or is there something you are pondering over at the minute? If so then I would say that's why they are there, trying to steer you in the right direction or letting you know that your thoughts have been heard. If this is not the case, then they just want to know that they are there for you.

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