
White guilt?????? answer quick n mayb 10 pts!!?

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what do ppl mean when they say "white guilt" are they guilty because they voted for a blk guy?? Or what im not too sure bout this one??




  1. Its when white people feel guilty for being racist towards colored people.

  2. Feeling guilty to be white, because if you are white, you are rich and responsible for every single hardship that someone else's ANCESTORS went through.

  3. " White Guilt " is a sense of  an absurd unjust shame or guilt that some people unfairly maintain they whites should feel about the fact that some white ancestors ( NOT present day whites )  may have maintained some black ancestors ( NOT present day blacks ) as slaves 250 years ago.

    Some white  people who apparently feel some sense of guilt because of what other whites did 250 years ago feel the need to compensate for this by being predjudiced in favor of a black person.....hence we have Affirmative Action & white guilt votes for Obama.

    I refuse to feel guilty for something somebody else did. Should blacks feel black guilt because FBI Statistics show a disproportionate % of crime is commited by blacks in America today ?

    Someone needs to address present day racism against whites which exists in Affirmative Action where blacks are always given priority over whites.

  4. "White guilt" is the phenomenon where white people feel guilty for not being discriminated against like black people were.  The feel obligated to give black people more credit than they normally would as a way of compensation.

  5. White guilt is a term used in relation to The generations of todays whites being guilty of the slavery way back when

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