
White gunk in my mouth when i wake up?

by  |  earlier

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there isn't that much.

i wear retainers at night, upper and lower.

i normally dont have this but it started clearly after i switched from electric to manual brush, since im travelling.

how can i get rid of this?




  1. omg the same thing happens 2 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    idk how 2 get rid of it......tho i noticed that the less i sleep the less "white gunk" there is in my mouth wen i wake up........hope i helped!

    answer mine?;...

  2. Brush better, it's plaque buildup.

  3. It could be plaque that is getting provoked by the retainer and an electric brush usually stops this happenning,

    maybe chew some sugar free gum before bed and then you should be getting rid of any excess plaque,

    hope I helpedxx

  4. I think its because the retainers make you sleep with your mouth open and that makes you get all sorts of plague and bacteria. Try rinsing your mouth with mouthwash like listerine before you go to sleep and that will help keep the white stuff away.

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