
White guys what you thing about black men and white girls?

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what you all thing I'm white guys i always thing will their be anymore white people in 2050 because of all the mixing does any one besides me? thing that their will not be no more white girls for white guys very soon because many white women are bi or les or not in to white guys do you all every get mad that your own race wont date you because your not their color they like > not saying all white girls...




  1. Judging by your grammar or grammatical don't sound white?  Plus who cares if white women want to date black men... that's their choice! They can date who they want - just like you. I am sure you can find a nice white girl somewhere... just make sure if you write her (or a woman of any race) a letter to do a spell and grammar check because this is terrible!

  2. I agree with Bobby G.

    "If you want to impress the white ladies try being their friend and not their boss."

    Exactly. This point applies to any race. If you truly want to impress a female, respect her and actually listen to what she has to say. This will impress ANY female.

  3. Their will be plenty white people around 2050. Don't have a panic attack johnny

  4. if you want the white race to survive try not to be a walking example of why it would be better it didn't

  5. Most white girls date and marry white men a small minority have kids with black men. Trust me I've seen that majority of white girls who go with blacks and trust me no white man would want to date these white girls they are white trash not because they are with blacks but because they truly are

  6. Who cares?The White girls just have all the Black guys for all I care..While I steal their s**y White men;)

  7. WHY ARE YOU PIN POINTING OUT JUST BLACK MEN AND WHITE WOMEN . UM LASTtimee i check  there are less black men and white women than there is white women dating other races. I mean  I am not white nor  a guy but I do know its funny  when a black guy is  on a outing  and walk pass a white man and his girl the white guy tend to pull his girl closer . WHY i don't know , I mean not all black men want white women . NOR DOES ALLWHITE WOMEN WANT BLACK MEN.  Finally  in 2050 everyone is going to be  latino Lol WITH ALL THE MIXING GOING ON , LATINOS ARE OF AFRICAN , WHITE AND INDIAN DESCENT. Even some asian  mixes look latino that'ss why I said everyone will look latino. :)

  8. What I think is that you should learn how to spell, and learn how to form sentences correctly.

  9. There are billions of white people around the world. Brazil itself is about 53% of the world's largest white populations.. so that means that half of Brazil (still much bigger than continental Europe) has a lot of people. Brazil also has one of the world largest black populations...Not to mention Uruguay and Argentina are almost exclusively white countries.

    Latin is not a race.

  10. Please your chicks better and they won't dis you.

  11. Like Ashley said, not every white girl dates a black guy or vice versa.

    You seem to have a hatred toward black male white females , yet you

    don't worry about others dating white girls.  THere are more white

    girls around than most other women.  White males tend to limit

    themselves to white girls as most black women to black men.  Most

    white men are like you, overly conservative about dating issues and

    overly boring and judgmental towards other people.  White women

    are approaching liberation very fast and furious.  Remember the "cracks

    in the glass ceiling speech".  If you want to impress the white ladies

    try being their friend and not their boss. White girls are looking for

    something different. The conversation gets boring when all you can

    talk about is resentment for other people.

  12. I agree with Deerite.

  13. i've never come across a white girl who wouldn't date a white guy because of his color. most of stuff you said doesn't make sense. i think you need to rethink this question. there are more white guys with asian girls than anything...let's talk about that.

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