
White hair at the age of 14???

by Guest59229  |  earlier

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i have white hair and im only 14 years old!1!!! my mom dyes it for me so it covers it, why do i have white hair at such a young age?




  1. die your hair, like jet black every week or one and a half week,so like just yeah =) give me 10 points!

  2. your not getting old its probably just hereditary or you could just be stressed out

  3. I'm not sure but I have that problem to and I started to get it around nine I've been told that it's because of stress. It's also generic so if you're mom or dad started to get it young then that might be why you getting it there's noway to slow it down or stop it sorry.

    anybody please answer mine:;...

  4. its not that bad that you have white hair at your age...a lot of people do you just dont know it. it might be a heredity thing like you might hav gotton it from ur parents or dont be ashamed cuz i saw many people with you problem.but NEVER pull it out cuz 5 more will grow in place..just keep dying your hair or get touch ups.

    i hope this helps :]]

  5. My friend has the same thing. Its heredity, don't worry, your not getting old.

  6. I think it's better to see your doctor just in case you know?

    I'm thinking it's probably your diet,heredity,or that you spend too much timee under the sun.When my hair used to be black i used to spen a lot of time under the sun and it had like brown highlights,So be careful with the sun.

    I really hope I helped and I'm sorry you're going through that,but don't worry it can be fixed =]

    pleas;... answer my question

  7. well my mom had it and so did my grandma but my dad didn have it, its not because yor getting old its heredity its in your genes probably it mostly happens to dark haired people my daughter has it we dye her hair jet black .

  8. Alot of people have that! MY family has pre-mature gray so all the boys in my family have gray hair when they are about 18.

    Even one of my friends from school (he's 13) has it

  9. Maybe it's from stress. Stress sometimes whitens hair prematurely.

  10. everyones different. my dad went white in his 20's

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