
White jacket?

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I am looking for a new snowboarding jacket and I seem to find a lot of white ones. I was just wondering if anyone else has a white jacket and if it gets incredibly dirty. This is only my 2nd season snoboarding so I assume I'll eat it a few times.




  1. White jackets are stylish, I had a Columbia ski jacket that was mainly white.  I used it as my everyday winter jacket for the past several winters and all the white became dirty and faded over time.  No matter how well you take care of a white jacket, it will get dirty and faded over time and wear.

  2. well, my experience is that my white stuff gets dirtier while i'm walking to school and stuff, and not so much while i'm actually on the slopes.

    but seriously, white isn't that great of a color. as u say, it'll get dirty sooner or later and it'll be really obvious. and if ur anything like me, ur bound to spill everything that's put in ur hands onto urself.
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