
White like substance in my girl friends v****a DOUBLE POST! need immediate answers.?

by  |  earlier

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I know about s*x, but I'm very paranoid and would like a second opinion. When ever my girlfriend and I have s*x, I see what would be fluid from me, but I always check for tears and if the condom where to have come off ( and i haven't came in her yet either mind you). I'm wondering if she is being faithful with me, or it could be something like a yeast infection or it's normal. Theirs no odor, or odd color. I'm just worried that she hasn't been faithful. Please answer to the best of your knowledge.




  1. Oh for god sake...

    When women engage in sexual activity their vaginas produce their own natural lubricant making the v****a wet and easier for s*x to happen. It would be pretty uncomfortable if her v****a was dry.

    It happens to every woman, a natural process like crying or sneezing.

    This does not mean shes cheating on you or has an infection, relax.

  2. Learn about women's  bodies please! She is most likely very satisfied with your services. If she had an STD then it would smell. Most men can tell if their girl has been unfaithful by the way her v****a feels, not by if she came or not!

  3. It could be your girlfriends ejaculate, does it come through the urethra? If it were a yeast infection it would be more chunky and sort of a yellow-ish color, if it is you can get it, so be wary! It is treatable though. It could also be "juices" or discharge natural in any female. They are sort of slimy, for lack of a better word, and can sometimes be clumpy. Females are also equipped with natural lubricants, that could be it too.

    You are very right to be paranoid, you can never be too careful with all of these diseases floating around. The best thing to do, is ask. I applaud you for being safe.

  4. If you see this every time you have s*x, sounds to me like you workin that ****!!! She is cuming, and if she does it everytime you all have s*x then it means your doing your job!!! Congrads! LOL

  5. ok first off eww!

    but ummm idk it could be a std!!!


  7. this is normal, it is her things ways of cleaning itself.  be a man and l**k it up!!!

  8. yea i agree it might wel just be yur gfs *** .. dont worry  

  9. it could just be c u m from your gf

  10. It's normal...I would suggest that you lower your paranoia level...

  11. It is a c-u-m from her !

    When females are engaged in sexual activities ,

    her body produces "natural lube" !

  12. There are many causes for vaginal discharge ( Whitish substance).

    If your  partner is young and sexually active most probably it is physiological (Normal - Nothing to worry).

    Another possibility is candida infection of the v****a. This is a common condition seen in diabetics and following antibiotic therapy etc.

    You should get a medical opinion. That will clear any doubt.

    If the discharge is blood stained or foul smelling contact your doctor immediately.


  13. it is just discharge.  many women have vaginal discharge and there is nothing wrong with it unless it smells funky or she is having pain or itching.

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