
White on white!!!!!!!!?

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am i a racist if i call a fellow white man a honky..i am not my self a racist in any way shape or form ..i would just like to know how others percieve ..and think




  1. What's a honky?

  2. white on white!!!!!!!!?

    am i a racist if i call a fellow white man a honky..i am not my self a racist in any way shape or form ..i would just like to know how others perceive ..and think

    Why would you want to call your own race  "honky' when you know  d**n well it's a racial epithet used against whites?  If you were black would you call blacks nappy or n****

  3. It is not a desired word and yeah I would be offended.You shouldn't call people names that slur their colour.

  4. its the same as when black people call each other n*****s. its self hate. i would never call someone a racial slur because its degrading, whether i do it to a different race or the same race.  

  5. It's the pot calling the kettle black

  6. Personally, you can call me anything you like, I carry no chip on my shoulder so I don't feel no burden.

    There's nothing at all I need to prove so call me all worse names, they won't stick. Just don't steal my money, rip me off or stab me and I am a bundle of indifference.

    Btw, a racist is someone that thinks his race is superior to another race, that is all it means and nothing more.

    You can say a whole load of stuff and not be a racist, so long as you stay away from people that need to prove something, or that feel inferior to you.

    this is the dictionary if you need to see the meaning of the word

  7. Does it matter, if it's racist. Or what race the person is saying the word. It's mean!!! You just shouldn't say offensive, disrespectful things I don't care if you white, black or purple.

  8. i don't think so. you are using it in the confines of being white to white.

    if i were to say it then, yes it would be..

    just like blacks using the nword between each other, which i am against....

  9. no, you are white so being white for you is being on the inside and you can get away w/ it.  

  10. I imagine i t depends upon how well it goes down with your fellow white man -

    In many ways I think racism is negotiated there are no rules only areas which plainly need to be negotiated. The fact that you ask it here means that you recognize that you are in troubled waters.

    There are lots of words which acquire specialized meanings within sub groups.

    I think the only point here is whether your fellow white man is offended or not and whether you mean to be offensive.

    If you want to offend but not on the basis of your fellow white mans race -there are plenty of words around which arent in the category of race hate words;  hang aroudn a school playgroudn for hints

    ' you smelly sock!

    was one of the best I heard.

  11. Not very nice

  12. im white from u.k and i dont care what im called and h****y to me sounds like a horn from a car lol haaaa

  13. Meh... It's fine. I call my white mates honky's all the time... I'm a honky myself so I'm allowed. I would be offended if a non-honky called me a honky.

  14. my friends call eachother p*kis because we are ..


  15. The word 'h****y' will never be as bad as the N word.

  16. that is very very mean to call a white person a h****y.

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