
White only. arranged marriages. are the UK royal family the most racist family on earth?

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White only. arranged marriages. are the UK royal family the most racist family on earth?




  1. You want to get your facts right before you spout a heap of sh*t! You haven't a clue what you're talking about so shutit!

  2. They are simply thoroughbreds.

  3. Well the Queen married a Greek

  4. Possibly,  senior royals can not marry anyone they want,  there marriages have to be approved by the monarchy and there advisers, for example Princes Margret wanted to marry Group Captain Peter Townsend but the powers that be made it clear to Margret that she better think again, this marriage was not going to happen

  5. There goes the "R" word again. My God how many more uses will they find for it?

  6. White only?Surely everyone has a right to express an opinion? Btw.Roman Catholics are banned from the Throne.

  7. Well put it this way, they certainly dont adhere to any p.c. that the rest of the country are obliged to adhere to.

  8. always found it strange cos people can take an instant dislike to someone even walking the street you see someone and think uh dont like you and it does happen but if i dislike a person of my colour instantly thats ok if i take a dislike to someone not my colour ime racist figure it how many times walking your town have you been barraged with insults and not known but of course you have to be white speak english before you can be racist no other countries or colours are racist  but at least we marry our own choice and not uncle williams daughter

  9. well our curretn queen married for love as did her father and mother and also her sister and, ultimately all her children

    queen victoria certainly married for love

    so what are you one about?

  10. I bloody hope so, i need to like them for something.

  11. Being of German & Greek ancestry and under the current all inclusive definition they and all families are equally the most racist on earth.

    Family is sexist is it not?

  12. They don't hold a candle to the Saudi royal family on that note.

    And while marriages traditionally must be 'approved' by elder members of the family, they are not 'arranged' in the conventional sense.

  13. What exactly is your gripe with our Royal Family?

  14. NO that would  be the Obamas, listen to their pastor for the last twenty years.

  15. I haven't a clue what you are talking about.   Queen Elizabeth didn't have an arranged marriage, she fell in love with Philip.

  16. Not really why are they racist because the marry someone of the same colour, Don't forget most asian/indian marriages are exactly like that, they must all be racists to then.

  17. no why should they be, do you propose that the Queen should have married out of her class, or indeed colour. It doesn't work like that, have a look at royalty around the world, no intermarriages as far as i can tell. Besides the Queen fell in Love with Philip who incidentally is Greek/German.

  18. haven't a clue what you are talking about! I'm white,i married white.I'm not racist.You don't fall in love with the colour of skin.It's the person inside it.

  19. white only? go do one u idiot

  20. Leave our Royal Family alone... they have done you no harm, and no they are not racist, and in any case why should they be made to marry a coloured person just to please you. Not only that the English people would be up in arms as this is solely a white family. I like the Royals as they are much better than having any Dictator in the Palace. I look around the World and see what happens when one of those thugs gets in power. God forbid that this Country ever came to that ....

  21. why does it matter?

  22. No but they're certainly in line for the ugliest!.......)

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