
White people adopting black and asian babies?

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okay, I know Im not the only who notices this not only with celebrities but "regular" people as well. Why is it everytime I turn around there is another white person adopting a little black/asian baby? I NEVER see white people adoting other white children.That is so very odd to me. White people maybe you can help me out with thisone and explain this to me. Thank you




  1. All children need good homes, no matter the race!!!

  2. Let's see.
    America, 61% of babies needing adoption are minority, 31% of parents adopting are minority. Should the rest of those babies languish in foster care? I sincerely hope not.
    China, one child per family, boys are preferred, they support the parents in old age. Girls are LUCKY if they are given to orphanage, and not killed before or after birth. American's adopt the little girls and love them.
    Countries at war or extreme poverty who are not adopting their own orphans due to the circumstances of their country. Babies stay in orphanages or if they are lucky, they are adopted by developed countries.

    I sincerely hope no one is suggesting that children grow up in foster care or in orphanages? Without the love of a permanent family.
    Rather than being adopted by any person?

    Or that they stay in foster care/orphanages longer waiting for a home that matches them racially??
    To a child a year is forever. And a year longer to be adopted than a white child, what happens to that child while waiting for a home. If white people stop adopting children of color, that extra wait will get longer and longer. We will be back to the 60s when children of color grew up in foster care.

    Yes, I am white.
    Yes, I am a foster parent.
    Yes, I am a social worker for a state child care agency.

    I do not claim to have the answers, but I am in the field, on the front lines.

    Children need homes, and they need them before they are damaged by the system.

    You don't like it?
    Then YOU adopt!

    Give a child of any color a home.

    Please, don't just talk about it.

  3. Because there aren't a lot of white babies available, and unfortunately the trend sees white babies costing more.

  4. "Guest2456
    earlier(0)(0)ReportThat's a good question. Here's my guess: White people feel ashamed for their contribution to slavery and the way they treat and view other races. Now they wanna' try to make up for what their ancestors did to ours and the effects that slavery still has on us today by rearing babies of other nationalities. They wanna' be testimonies to the world that they contributed something good to other races. It's far too late for that. Our world is already torn up. They're also afraid that other races may turn against them because of their atrocious behavior and history of destroying other people along with their cultures and stealing and plundering their land. That's like me trying to raise a tiger in my home. I destroy the nature of that beast when I try to domesticate it. Then it becomes a pet, easier to own. Key word: "own". So, if I own it and tame it, it's under my control. White people want to control the world. That's the whole concept. "

    Now this person is a RACIST!!  You don't have to be a white person to be racist and stereotype a whole race for all the atrocities in the world.  Shame on her. Obviously a person that is full of hate and bitterness, who blames her problems on everyone else but herself.

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