
White people cant be proud to be white? it only the younger generation that feels this way?

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I see many people ask why can other groups be proud and white people cant.

But I see so many white people that have t-shirts and flags and decals on their cars that say irish pride, italian pride, german pride etc

Is it only younger generations that feel that they cant be proud of their heritage?

Most asians that show asian pride represent what ever specific nation their ancestors came from not asians as a whole same with most latino/hispanic

its almost impossible for black people to do this because they have no way of knowing what nation they come from, and the ones that do are the ones that do the same thing as white people and have clothing jewelry or other things that say nigerian pride, jamaican, ethiopian pride..etc




  1. The biggest problem with "White" pride (I'm going to use this term very loosely) is that it's the only race, for lack of a better term, that turned to violating the rights of other races to elevate their own stature. If you look at black pride, puerto rican pride, asian or even Irish or German (This is why the term "white" is used loosely, I actually equate the term "white" with American more than encompassing western Europe as well.) there generally isn't a historic precedence of violence short of small outliers in the data.

    Before everyone gets on my quip about Germany and point out the horrors that was WWII let me say that the country was a powder keg waiting to blow after the first World War. The country was looking for someone to blame for their misfortune and Hitler had the charisma and the hatred to rally the country against other races.

    One more thing worth mentioning is that ignorance is often the cause of most controversy related to race, culture, and ethnicity in general. Take Guest8878829 for example. This idiot thinks that "White" people discovered and invented practically everything. It's attitudes and ridiculous statements like that that make other cultures hate the white man.

  2. I am proud of my ancestors history, I am not proud to be white. The color of my skin just happens to be what it is. I am not proud for other nations history, regardless of the race. I may say "good for them" but I am not proud. Pride is for my people, not my color.

  3. most rich white people say they are not race's but they would never live in a black side of town. and i for one know that poor white people have no choices. they are hated buy every race. and the rich white people also hate them because they are poor. poor white people our a outcast. i was never a slave owner i don't think they had slaves in the 1980's. i know where I'm from and it's the USA. and so were my grate grand parents. and as far as i know they did not own slaves. so why do i half to suffer. where are my rights. how come no one will buy me a house.

  4. i hate niggers

  5. I think that the only reason you would be proud to be anything is because you are not something else. No one is proud of having bones becuase everyone else has them (though there might be some zoologists who are because they pity worms) people who are not white find it offensive that you are glad that you are not whatever they are. They think it means you think you are better than them, so you can't be proud to be white, it offends other people. why they can be proud of being whatever they are without offending white people--- hmm, why don't white people take other people's pride as an insult?

  6. White people created, invented and discovered practically everything.  What's not to be proud of?  Being proud to be white doesn't mean other races need to be mistreated.  We could be proud and tolerate other races.  Every white person should embrace their heritage and honor their ancestors!

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