
White people do you believe black people are critically affected by our past relations?

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Psychological and material? As in means of oppression?




  1. Of course. Blacks have been soooo damaged that they could all be picked up and taken to a private paradise, and one thousand years later they'd still have issues because of oppression. There is no cure. Not ever. Don't even try.

    ^^^^^Sarcasm, because you just can't see the opportunities and privileges that you have--and my little rant is only directed to you and those who think as you do

    You don't want reparations (which is good because I don't owe you any), you don't want apologies (which is good because I don't owe you any). So what is the point you are trying to make? What do you want? It looks like you are trying to keep other blacks from trying to have decent lives! Can't you feel sorry for yourself without trying to drag others down? And forget trying to shame decent white folks. We just want to live in peace with our heads held high. We have the right same as any other people.

    You have the same rights and privileges as I do, with a few extra opportunities (maybe more than a few) because of Affirmative Action. For God's sake use them!

    Never mind. I can't even be angry with you because I feel sorry for you. Every group has had problems. Every group still does. But it solves nothing to wallow in them rather than trying to move forward. I did notice that you didn't answer some of my questions. I don't have time to wait, though, because I have to go finish making a cake. Have a good evening.

  2. The friction between blacks and whites have created a situation where there is no middle ground on this issue. For example, even if Loose Wheel thinks that things like slavery and segregation impacted black people negatively, he feels like admission of that means that he is giving his consent for black people to complain about slavery, even though very few do already.  

  3. Sure.  What people are not affected by their own or their shared histories?

  4. wow b girl your on a roll..

  5. yeah we have problems very big ones and even ourselfs dont know it

    Our culture is long gone what ever they were

    Now we have people like Black America who thinks his family werent in Africa prior to 1619

    Caribbeans who hate Africans

    Africans who look down on non African blacks but bow down to whites

    Black on Black crime

    Lightskin V Darkskin

    Gementos or whatever his name is

    Moaners ie looking reperations or blaming white people alivce today

    Gang culture which is adored by alot of black youth in the western world


    I can go on we simply aint got culture so we live on these fake little ones with no meanings or imitate real ones we are divided and a messed up race

    You see culture is inherited and if your ancestor was a slave or was colonized they wont be passing down culture but brainwashing hate or ignorance this effects every race but to the black race it effects us on a large scale.

    You see we cant blame white people alive today it aint their fault nor can we blame history as its gone but the this did not happen over night Europeans knew how to divide and conquer destroying culture and implementing theirs on the way.

    As for me Im trying to get on with life without being influenced by the idiots racist or wana be gangster or wanna be white black people in my area Im going to start my own culture

  6. Are you referring to your past relations as a race (like slavery or the civil rights movement) or as individuals?  And by past relations, do you mean relationships or relatives?  

    All of us, white, black, or otherwise, are affected by our past experiences.  However, in terms of experiences that you as an individual did not live through but your race experienced, then I'd say you are affected by it to the extent that others react to you in relation to that experience and to the extent that the experience was passed on to you by your parents and grandparents, etc.

    As far as being affected by our relatives, sure we are all affected in one way or another by relatives.  Some of us fall into the same patterns as our relatives did by following their example, which can be either good or bad, and some of us strive to behave differently from our relatives.  In either case, we are affected.  We are only unaffected by people we don't know or who are immaterial in our lives and by experiences that we didn't have and that don't color our relationships with others.

  7. No..Its a tired arguement for reperations

    Im black but im tired of hearing this argument..

    EDIT: s***w you, and I know your black so I dont know why your tryin to hide behind that avatar.

  8. British you just crushed the thought of Black people having a culture and then you turn around and say you are going to create your own culture as if it will not be a "fake little one", as if it will have "meaning", or as if it will not "imitate real ones". Besides, what makes a culture real? Oh...I see. You said culture is inherited but you are going to create your own regardless?

    I'm confused. What exactly are you saying?...

    Although only the negative parts of Black culture is mainstreamed and NOT glorified by the majority of Blacks...we still have a culture. I don't believe all the hype. Those "issues" you listed wouldn't be issues if every Black person knew exactly who they were. Stop letting people define you. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.

    THAT is one of the problems Black people have. Black people don't even believe in their self. It seems like you've been spooned.


    Affirmative Action? In 2008 Black people hardly benefit from Affirmative Action. >>I<< have never used affirmative action...I mean people talk all this c**p about Black people and privileges, which unfortunately puts a lot of pressure on Black people because Black people do not want to be viewed as "helpless" or "too stupid to do anything on their own so they need affirmative action..." - you get what I'm saying. F* affirmative action, f* everyone who has an opinion about people WHO REALLY DO NEED affirmative action whether they're Black, White, Brown, etc.

    I hate fake people.

  9. You Know u asked this question for black people to answer.

    EDIT: xxxXali  I am. i was just thinking the same thing, But these people are really crackin me up 2nite,plus im bored. LOL !!

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