
White people?

by Guest58897  |  earlier

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i asked this question

anti-christ Barack Obama?

because there is 349 question about this in answers.

can you believe this is what yahoo did?

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You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Deleted Question: anti-christ Barack Obama?

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  1. Someone probably checked the button for content and the community (or whomever was in charge of that question) would have had to agree that it wasn't a proper question. I had this happen one time (not political stuff) with a dream question I asked, but used the word blood in it, and it was deleted.

    Don't feel like you were discriminated against because you don't like Obama....a lot of people don't like Obama

    and he's not charismatic enough to be THE anti-Christ

    don't be mad, it happens to all of us sometimes....

  2. Check your grammar first.  Maybe that's why it was deleted - along with the intended content, too, of course.

  3. This one can also be reported, you need to read the rules.

  4. yahoo checks grammer too

  5. Your so-called question is a cheap shot by a cheap political creep imo.

  6. It's not a question......and what do white people have to do w/this secondary question?

  7. Maybe you should have asked: Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ? And what's with the "White People ?" question, Yes believe it or not white people exist. And no Barack Obama is not the anti-christ.. *sigh*
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