
White rice or brown rice which is more healthier ?

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  1. Someone once told me that not to eat White rice because it makes us more prone to cancer. Brown rice is by far better.

  2. brown..... comman sense.

  3. Brown is...

    Milling is the process that creates the difference between brown and white rice. The variety of rice may be identical, but milling removes the husk from the grain and turns the brown rice to white. This is why milling is often called "whitening".

    By removing the outer layer, which is also known as the bran layer, milling alters the nutritional value of the rice. It is in this bran layer where most of the nutrients are stored. The white rice that most of us eat comprises of mostly carbohydrates, with the nutrients stripped off in the milling process.

    Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar inside the body. While carbohydrates are a good source of energy (yielding 4 calories per gram), excessive carbohydrate intake leads to sugar imbalance and adult onset diabetes mellitus. Carbohydrate consuming is also addictive. White rice is a large part of the world's diet , and reduction is not a easy process. One way is to consume brown rice instead.

    The following chart shows the nutritional differences between brown and white rice. As can be observed, fiber is dramatically lower in white rice, as are the oils, most of the B vitamins, and important minerals.

    Check out the link below, it gives you a chart of the nutriation facts of white vs brown rice.

  4. the brown rice is called fried rice,  and I like it more than white.  To me it has more flavor.  And yes, it is healthier than white.  

  5. While Brown Rice is healthier i like white Rice better.


  7. Brown rice. no question about it.

  8. brown rice

  9. Brown rich is definitely better is has several nutrients such as riboflavin, fol-ate, iron and magnesium also it has three times the fiber of white rice.

  10. Brown rice is much more healthier.

  11. brown rice by far

  12. Brown rice is supposed to be healthier and environmentally friendly

  13. While I love love love love sticky white delcious rice  (I currently live in South Korea)  brown rice is definitely better than white.  It has fibre in it and is waaaayyy better for you!!!!  

    mmmmm I love rice...!!!

  14. brown rice.

  15. typically, brown grains are healthier than white one (Bread, rice, oats, etc.)

    It's unbleached and has more protein and fiber.

  16. you got the answers, brown rice definitely.

  17. brown  

  18. brown

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