
White spots on legs?

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my new horse has white spots on her legs they r really small but they are weird looking they are not bug bites or bot eggs

she was a racehorse before she got abanded we rescued her and sumon told me it's cuz they inject horses who run with stuff to strengthen there bones and that the spots are sccaring.

is this actually true? the spots don't hurt her she only has mild soundness problems i just want to know what they are, thanxs




  1. The white spots are just scar tissue. its just like a scar you would get, its where the hair grew back over the top of the scar and it turned a different color

  2. If what you are referring to are in symmetrical rows up and down the cannon bones, that is the result of pin firing which is a common track procedure.

    Can you post a photo? That will help us help you.

  3. It's a result of what you call pin firing.

  4. I bet she was pin fired.  This will usually result in white spots.
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