
White stuff around my infant son's circumcision?

by Guest67079  |  earlier

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When I was cleaning my infant (4 months) son's p***s tonight, I noticed a white something where the circumcision occurred. When we went into the doctor's last week, the doctor said the skin had grown back to the head of the p***s, but it pulled away tonight. When it pulled away I saw something white on the skin. I tried to 'wash' it away, but it wouldn't come off...has anyone else noticed something similar to this? Is it normal? I remember the doctor saying something about white stuff around the head of the p***s, but the baby was getting shots so I was kind of distracted...I've tried to research it online, but I'm having a hard time finding anything...





  1. ok this sounds gross, but is  it like cheesy and sticky , right?  its kinda like lint and some kind of build up.all 3 of my boys had it, i just wipe it off with a warm cloth or baby wipe. sometimes have to use a q tip or finger if its extra sticky.

  2. From what I remember when my son got circumsised, I believe that is healing may want too call the Dr who performed the circumcision, and double check on that.

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