
White wine...i heard it was the alcohol with the least calories?

by  |  earlier

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and fat, is this true? if not what is the best option for someone trying not to gain a lot of weight who wants to have a couple drinks? obviously not drinking is the best option but im asking for that :) thanks for your answers.




  1. Been there, done that. Beer is fattening so drink wine, but wine weighs like a lead baloon in your gut so drink whiskey. Whiskey will get you to a real bottom quicker than the others so you will get it over with. Get you to AA.

  2. well you heard wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. Best bet is a clear spirit, and if you don't want to drink it straight, try it with a slimline or diet mixer (or fruit juice).

    The reason that alcohol is linked to putting on weight is because it's a relaxant and therefore people tended to allow themselves treats or eat more than they usually would after drinking. But if you can restrain your self and stay away from high carb beers and sugary drinks you should be fine.  

  4. The following chart is compiled by the USDA (Unites States Department of Agriculture

    Red Wine  5 oz. ................. 106 cal.

    White Wine 5 oz................. 100 cal.

    Regular Beer  12 oz............. 146 cal.

    Light Beer 12 oz.................. 99 cal.

    Distilled liquor 1.5 oz 80 proof.......97 cal.

    ..............................                                                 86 proof.......105 cal.

    The wine is based on 13% Alcohol


  5. White wine is full of sugar and is a big no no if you are trying to lose weight. A glass of red would be much healthier and if you are really concerned about calories sugar etc try clear spirits like vodka and water (no soda mixers)

  6. You... " oh i want to know if a small glass of white wine will make me fat?"

    Answers: "white wine makes you fat!! drink some hard liquor straight out of the bottle, drink some grain whiskey and chase it with vodka, get completely s""t faced!!"


  7. No, actually it couldn't be farther from the truth. Wine in general has a huge amount of calories. It's actually 25 calories per ounce and quite a few empty carbohydrates.

    The alcohol with the least amount of calories are the clear spirits like vodka.

  8. Vodka is your best option. Wine actually has a lot of calories. Actually, your best option is to drink what you like and just exercise.  

  9. Most of the calories in alcoholic drinks come from the alcohol, unless they're REALLY super sweetened.  But, according to numerous studies, consumption of alcohol does not correlate with weight gain, and under certain circumstances correlates weakly with weight loss (but this is not to downplay the other health risks associated with drinking).

    One of the reasons that drinking appears to cause people to gain weight is that many people also increase the amount they eat when drinking, especially at parties and other events where there's a lot of food around.

  10. I dont think it dose but I think health wise it has more antioxidants.

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