
White wine in Ceaser salad dressing?

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I bought this ceaser salad dressing and it had white wine in it. Does it have alcohol in it??




  1. Yes, but after a little while, the alcohol evaporates, and you're left with just the flavor. So, don't sweat it!

  2. are you sure it's not "white wine vinegar?"  My guess is no, a salad dressing that is store-bought does not contain alcohol or you'd have to be 21 to buy it (and they'd card you)


    1 tsp. salt

    3 eggs

    1 1/2 tsp. sugar

    3/4 tsp. dry mustard

    3 tsp. lemon juice

    1 tsp. Parmesan cheese

    4-6 cloves crushed garlic

    6 tsp. red wine vinegar

    1 c. plus 2 tbsp. oil

    6 drops Tabasco sauce

    6 drops Worcestershire sauce

    3 tbsp. olive oil

    Mix in blender and refrigerate. When serving salad add anchovies to salad. Add to taste to salad. Excellent, keeps well.


    3-4 anchovies - flat (or anchovy paste from tube, about 2 inches squeezed out)

    2 tbsp. red wine vinegar

    1 tbsp. lemon juice

    1 1/2 tbsp. Dijon mustard

    1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

    1 lg. clove garlic, minced

    1/2 c. olive oil

    1/3 c. Parmesan cheese

    Mash anchovies; add next 5 ingredients. Stir in olive oil real slow. Then add grated Parmesan cheese. Add to Romaine lettuce and croutons.

    hope these help.            good luck and enjoy.

  4. If it has white wine, it has alcohol.

  5. Yes, it does. But only about as much as your foods that you add vanilla extract to do.

    Unless you belong to AA or have an allergy to alcoholic foods, it is ok to eat and to feed to your children.

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