
White wine vs. red wine?

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Hey guys Ive always heard that you have to drink white or red with certain question is how do you know what to drink with what food??




  1. there's general guidelines such as whites go with chicken, fish, pasta with white sauce.  and reds go with red meat, such as beef or lamb, and pasta with hearty tomato sauce.

    If you are at a restaurant, your server can usually suggest a wine to go best.  I was at the wine store the other day and the employee helped me select one to go with my meal.

    These are just guidlines though, and can drink whatever you like with whatever you like.  its just certain foods bring out certain flavors in the wines and vice versa.

  2. I believe people listen too much to the so called "experts" when it come to pairing wine and food.. I drink both red and whites (dry whites) and found that no matter what I'm eating I drink whatever one I'm in the mood for.  After a while you may find that you like certain wines with certain foods, but until then drink what you like.

  3. as others have said, a good way to start is pairing whites with lighter dishes, or fish/chicken in general.  red wines go better with red meats, and hearty dishes (a hearty chicken dish might be better with a light red than with a white wine for example).

    it also depends on the context.  for example, you would typically expect a white wine with poultry.  but if its a thanksgiving turkey, it would be common to find a pinot noir, a light red wine.  it is the entire thanksgiving meal that is heartier than a regular poultry dish.

    so, yes, that's the basic idea, but you can always find an exception.  and then its your own personal preference.  maybe you like chardonnay with steak, wouldn't  know unless you tried.

    oh, and if you ever cook with wine try to serve what you used in the dish.

  4. In general:   white wine - white meat/fish;   red wine - red meat .....there are some exceptions, but that's just a general rule for you.  Hearty foods need hearty wines ....

  5. i go for lighter dishes, lighter wines.. heavy and rich dishes deserve red

  6. Those rules really don't apply any more. Most people drink what they like: maybe white with lighter foods or red with heavier. For example, seafood and lightly sauced pasta dishes might taste better to you with a white wine because it won't over power the subtle taste of the food. A red wine which tends to have a stronger flavor might match up better to you with red meats: pot roasts or steaks.

  7. Learn all about pairing food with wine at this site:

    Wine should enhance the flavor of the food....and it really can make the food (and the wine) taste better when they "go together".

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