
White witch. silvermae

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what does .silvermae. mean a white witch gave me a stone with this on any 1 tell me what it means.

no muppet A thanks




  1. I've been a witch for over 20 years and have never heard this before. It sounds very much to me like it's someones name.

    That is a pure guess though.

  2. I'm afraid I've never heard the phrase in 7 years of associating with Pagans and witches. What type stone was it? Why didn't this 'white witch' explain why he/she was giving it to you? In my experience relatively few experienced practitioners will refer to themselves as a 'white witch'. There are a lot of objections to the term, including the fact that many witches do not see magic as being colour coded, and don't like the implication that white=good and black=bad. Many also point out that there are shades of grey, and don't feel anyone can claim to be a 'white' witch. But some people do use the term, so I suppose the person you spoke to could be genuine. Perhaps you should ask him/her what the word means, as many people use terminology that isn't used outside their own personal practice.

  3. A bunch of random words do not make a question.  
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