
White worm like larvae with black dot in bathroom?

by  |  earlier

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I found a bunch of tiny (less than a half inch) white/yellowish worm like larvae with a black dot at one end in my toothbrush holder (it's enclosed), I know disgusting, but anyway, I've taken care of the holder and everything in it but I would like to know if anyone could tell me what these are. So I can figure out where they came from and prevent them in the future. We do not have central air and have had some flying bugs flying around lately because we had to have our front door open to move something into the house.




  1. Sounds like maggots to me?

  2. Unfortunately, it does sound like maggots.They are the larvae of a

    fly. They are found in stagnant water, (ie.the bottom of your

    toothbrush holder) and warm, moist places, or in decaying food.

    Good to hear you took care of it and cleaned it all out, and try to

    remember to constantly clean out any container or holder that any

    water/food may get trapped and left in by accident!

    Also, the flying bugs you have seen around your place lately are

    probably the maggots that have become adults (flies) which takes

    about 14 days from the maggot stage.

    If you have cleaned the place entirely of any place where there

    may be stagnant water or decaying food, then the flies will not

    be there for very long, and you will not get any new ones!

    Don't fret, it happens to the best in life. We live, we learn..!

    Just try to always keep that TB holder cleaned out,

    or maybe get a new one!

    Do not leave any trash cans/or pails open, and discard the

    trash each and every day, and I'm sure it will not repeat itself!

    All in all, good luck!


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